
The OCI-Lob class

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)


OCI8 LOB functionality for large binary (BLOB) and character (CLOB) objects.


OCI-Lob {
/* 方法 */
append ( OCI-Lob $lob_from ) : bool
close ( void ) : bool
eof ( void ) : bool
erase ([ int $offset [, int $length ]] ) : int
export ( string $filename [, int $start [, int $length ]] ) : bool
flush ([ int $flag ] ) : bool
free ( void ) : bool
getBuffering ( void ) : bool
import ( string $filename ) : bool
load ( void ) : string
read ( int $length ) : string
rewind ( void ) : bool
save ( string $data [, int $offset ] ) : bool
seek ( int $offset [, int $whence = OCI_SEEK_SET ] ) : bool
setBuffering ( bool $on_off ) : bool
size ( void ) : int
tell ( void ) : int
truncate ([ int $length = 0 ] ) : bool
write ( string $data [, int $length ] ) : int
writeTemporary ( string $data [, int $lob_type = OCI_TEMP_CLOB ] ) : bool

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