
The PharFileInfo class

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PECL phar >= 1.0.0)


The PharFileInfo class provides a high-level interface to the contents and attributes of a single file within a phar archive.


PharFileInfo extends SplFileInfo {
/* 方法 */
public chmod ( int $permissions ) : void
public compress ( int $compression ) : bool
public __construct ( string $entry )
public decompress ( void ) : bool
public delMetadata ( void ) : bool
public getCRC32 ( void ) : int
public getCompressedSize ( void ) : int
public getContent ( void ) : string
public getMetadata ( void ) : mixed
public getPharFlags ( void ) : int
public hasMetadata ( void ) : bool
public isCRCChecked ( void ) : bool
public isCompressed ([ int $compression_type = 9021976 ] ) : bool
public isCompressedBZIP2 ( void ) : bool
public isCompressedGZ ( void ) : bool
public setCompressedBZIP2 ( void ) : bool
public setCompressedGZ ( void ) : bool
public setMetadata ( mixed $metadata ) : void
public setUncompressed ( void ) : bool

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