Hi all,
I've decided to post this since it may be helpful, I've spend a couple of days trying to do this.
In order to use wsdl's specified faults with complex types, i.e:
WSDL definitions:
(xsd:schema namespace, ns1 = target namespace)
<xsd:element name="doubleFault">
<xsd:element name="detail1" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="detail2" type="xsd:string"/>
WSDL messages:
<message name="fault_specified">
<part name="relevant_name" element="ns1:doubleFault"/>
WSDL port type:
<portType name="test">
<operation name="operationTest">
<input message="ns1:not_relevant_request"/>
<output message="ns1:not_relevant_response"/>
<fault name="FaultSpecified" message="ns1:fault_specified"/>
You have to specify the response in the detail parameter as an array corresponding the tag names.
PHP Code:
function operationTest($request_param ...) {
// ...
$array_details = array("detail1" => "Explanation 1", "detail2" => "Explanation 2");
return new SoapFault("Server", "example fault string", null, $array_details, "FaultSpecified");
$server = new SOAPServer("handmade.wsdl");
that should respond something like this:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://mynamespace">
<faultstring>example fault string</faultstring>
<detail1>Explanation 1</detail1>
<detail2>Explanation 2</detail2>
I Hope it helps,