
The SWFTextField class

(PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)




SWFTextField {
/* 方法 */
addChars ( string $chars ) : void
addString ( string $string ) : void
align ( int $alignement ) : void
__construct ([ int $flags ] )
setBounds ( float $width , float $height ) : void
setColor ( int $red , int $green , int $blue [, int $a = 255 ] ) : void
setFont ( SWFFont $font ) : void
setHeight ( float $height ) : void
setIndentation ( float $width ) : void
setLeftMargin ( float $width ) : void
setLineSpacing ( float $height ) : void
setMargins ( float $left , float $right ) : void
setName ( string $name ) : void
setPadding ( float $padding ) : void
setRightMargin ( float $width ) : void

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