At least for windows builds of PHP, module dependencies (such as "libeay32.dll", "libssh2.dll", "ssleay32.dll", etc. for php_curl) are mentioned in "snapshot.txt" included in the base folder of each PHP install.
For WampServer (I'm on an old version of 2.0 but this still applies at least up to version 2.5), ensure that all dependencies are listed in an array assigned to "$phpDllToCopy" in "Wamp\scripts\". This ensures that when you switch the version of PHP in WAMP, WAMP copies the dependencies from the base folder of the selected PHP install (e.g., "Wamp\bin\php\php5.4.42") to the "bin" folder of the currently selected version of Apache (e.g., "Wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.13\bin").
This also keeps you from either manually doing the same (whereby it should be noted that the versions of the dependencies often differ between versions of PHP, so you may have to do this each time you switch the current version of PHP), copying the appropriate dependencies to the Windows "System32" or "SysWOW64" subfolders, or manually adding the path to the currently used version of PHP to your PATH environment variable.