

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



ceil ( float $value ) : float

返回不小于 value 的下一个整数,value 如果有小数部分则进一位。





返回不小于 value 的下一个整数。 ceil() 返回的类型仍然是 float,因为 float 值的范围通常比 integer 要大。


Example #1 ceil() 例子

echo ceil(4.3);    // 5
echo ceil(9.999);  // 10
echo ceil(-3.14);  // -3


User Contributed Notes

eep2004 at ukr dot net 13-May-2018 10:09
= 77.4;
ceil($value * 100) / 100;         // 77.41 - WRONG!
echo ceil(round($value * 100)) / 100// 77.4 - OK!
eep2004 at ukr dot net 12-May-2018 10:52
= 77.4;
ceil($value * 100) / 100;            // 77.41 - WRONG!
echo ceil((string)($value * 100)) / 100// 77.4 - OK!
Anonymous 03-Nov-2015 09:22
Just a quick note to be careful of, if you use the "round_up" code suggested by steve, i must warn you it isn't completely fool proof.

I have the following maths which is evaluated incorrectly

37.2000 - 6.2000 = 31.01

echo(round_up(37.2000 - 6.2000,2));

This returns the incorrect result, 31.01 which as any junior in mathematics knows...IS WRONG!

use with caution.
Bas Vijfwinkel 25-May-2015 03:38
Note that 'ceil' can show unexpected behaviour when using float values due to inaccuracies in the float system and PHP tendency to freely limiting the number of digits it displays to the user.
It might like it is rounding up values that end in 0 (zero) but actually PHP is not showing that the value is not exactly the value it shows.

echo('Displaying 13915.0000000000018190 : '. 13915.0000000000018190);
'Result ceil(13915.0000000000018190) :'.ceil(13915.0000000000018190));
For example 13915 cannot be represented as exactly 13915 but becomes
13916.0000000000018190 and 'ceil' will therefore round it up to 13916.

= 12650 * 1.1;
'Expected behaviour : ceil(12650 * 1.1) = ceil(13915) = 13915');
'Using only ceil :'.ceil($value));
'Showing decimals : '.number_format($value - floor($value), 16));
'Using ceil + round : '.ceil(round($value,4)));

So if 'ceil' looks like it is not working correctly and rounding up figures that end in 0 (zero) then this might be the cause of this behaviour.
Adding a simple 'round' before the applying the 'ceil' solves this problem.
cedricaubert at gmail dot com 14-Apr-2015 03:14
Here is a more accurate way to round on superior decimal.

function round_sup($nb, $precision) {
        $p = pow(10, $precision);
        return ceil(round($nb * $p, 1)) / $p;

$k = 10 * 4.98;                   // k = 49.8
echo ceil($k * 10) / 10;    // 49.9   !!
echo round_sup($k, 1);   // 49.8
Gemini_13 at torba dot su 05-Dec-2014 12:16
$test = (1 - 0.7) * 10;

$test_1 = ceil($test);
$test_2 = ceil($test * 10);

var_dump($test_1);    // float 4
var_dump($test_2);    // float 31
josoort at home dot nl 12-May-2014 07:14
You can simply make a ceil with decimals function by using the round() function and add 0.05 to the value if the value must have 1 decimal accuracy, or 0.005 for 2 decimals accuracy, or 0.0005 for 3 decimals etc.

Example :

function ceilDec($input, $decimals)
    $subtract = 5 / pow(10, $decimals + 1);
    $output = round($input + $subtract, $decimals);
    return $output;
eg at pensio dot com 29-Jul-2013 11:57
Remember that floating point precision means behavior can be "correct" - though not what you expect:

php > echo 100 * 1 * 0.07;
php > echo ceil(100 * 1 * 0.07);
alesegdia at gmail dot com 16-Jun-2013 07:00
Some people asking on rounding -1.5 to -2 and 1.5 to 2, the way is this:

<?=round($var, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)?>

See round() doc for more information on this.
sebastien dot thevenaz at gmail dot com 30-Jul-2012 06:20
Here is another way to use ceil for decimal numbers with precision:

function ceil_dec($number, $precision)
$coefficient = pow(10,$precision);
php is the best 20-Apr-2012 06:29
Ceil for decimal numbers with precision:

function ceil_dec($number,$precision,$separator)

    $ceil_number= array($numberpart[0],$numberpart[1]);
    return implode($separator,$ceil_number);

echo ceil_dec(1.125,2,"."); //1.13
echo ceil_dec(-1.3436,3,"."); //-1.343
echo ceil_dec(102938.1,4,"."); //102938.1
Lexand 30-Mar-2012 12:15
$k = 0.14 * 100;
echo ceil($k); // results 15

solution is in converting float number to string

Example 1.
echo ceil ("{$k}"); // results 14

Example 2.
$totalSum1 = 102.1568;
$k = $totalSum1 / 100;
echo ceil ("{$k}"); // results 102.16

Example 3.
$totalSum2 = 102.15;
$k = $totalSum1 / 100;
echo ceil ("{$k}"); // results 102.15

useful for 'ceil' with precision capability
oktam 10-May-2011 03:12
Actual behaviour:
echo ceil(-0.1); //result "-0" but i expect "0"

echo ceil(-0.1)+0; //result "0"
AndrewS 07-Mar-2011 04:55
The code below rounds a value up to a nearest multiple, away from zero.  The multiple does not have to be a integer.  So you could round, say, to the nearest 25.4, allowing you to round measurements in mm to the nearest inch longer.

// $x is the variable
// $c is the base multiple to round to, away from zero
$result =  ( ($y = $x/$c) == ($y = (int)$y) ) ? $x : ( $x>=0 ?++$y:--$y)*$c ;

I originally developed this as an example of write-only code: to make the point that being cleverly terse might save clock ticks but wastes more in programmer time generating un-maintainable code.

The inline code above nests one conditional statement inside another.  The value of y changes twice within the same line (three times, if you count the pre-increment).  The value of each assignment is used to determine branching within the conditional statement.

How it works can more easily be seen from the expansion below:

function myCeilingLong($x,$c)
// $x is variable
    // $c is ceiling multiple
$a = $x/$c ;
$b = (int)$a ;
    if (
$a == $b)
$x // x is already a multiple of c;
        if (
            return (
$b+1)*$c // return ((int)(x/c)+1 ) * c
            return (
$b-1)*$c // return ((int)(x/c)-1 ) * c

function myCeilingShort($x,$c)
    return ( (
$y = $x/$c) == ($y = (int)$y) ) ? $x : ( $x>=0 ?++$y:--$y)*$c ;

Comparing the versions for speed: the in-line version is about three times faster than myCeilingLong() - but this is almost entirely down to function call overhead. 

Putting the in-line code inside the function: the difference in execution speed between myCeilingLong() and myCeilingShort() is around 1.5%.

ceil() is still around 25% faster than the in-line statement so if you are a speed hound your efforts might be better devoted to compiling your own library ...
Scott Weaver / scottmweaver * gmail 29-Aug-2008 10:46
I needed this and couldn't find it so I thought someone else wouldn't have to look through a bunch of Google results-


// duplicates m$ excel's ceiling function
if( !function_exists('ceiling') )
ceiling($number, $significance = 1)
        return (
is_numeric($number) && is_numeric($significance) ) ? (ceil($number/$significance)*$significance) : false;

ceiling(0, 1000);     // 0
echo ceiling(1, 1);        // 1000
echo ceiling(1001, 1000);  // 2000
echo ceiling(1.27, 0.05);  // 1.30

themanwe at yahoo dot com 20-Mar-2007 11:35
float ceil

function fCeil($val,$pressision=2){
     $p = pow(10,$pressision);
    $val = $val*$p;
    $val = ceil($val);
  return $val /$p;
steve_phpnet // nanovox \\ com 28-Feb-2005 12:40
I couldn't find any functions to do what ceiling does while still leaving I specified number of decimal places, so I wrote a couple functions myself.  round_up is like ceil but allows you to specify a number of decimal places.  round_out does the same, but rounds away from zero.

// round_up:
 // rounds up a float to a specified number of decimal places
 // (basically acts like ceil() but allows for decimal places)
function round_up ($value, $places=0) {
  if (
$places < 0) { $places = 0; }
$mult = pow(10, $places);
ceil($value * $mult) / $mult;

// round_out:
 // rounds a float away from zero to a specified number of decimal places
function round_out ($value, $places=0) {
  if (
$places < 0) { $places = 0; }
$mult = pow(10, $places);
  return (
$value >= 0 ? ceil($value * $mult):floor($value * $mult)) / $mult;

round_up (56.77001, 2); // displays 56.78
echo round_up (-0.453001, 4); // displays -0.453
echo round_out (56.77001, 2); // displays 56.78
echo round_out (-0.453001, 4); // displays -0.4531
aaron at mind-design dot co dot uk 21-Jul-2004 01:10
Or for the terniary fans:


function roundaway($num) {
$num > 0) ? ceil($num) : floor($num));


Slightly pointless, but there you have it, in one line only..
rainfalling at yahoo dot com 22-Apr-2004 05:51
IceKarma said: "If you want, say, 2.6 to round to 3, and -2.6 to round to -3, you want round(), which rounds away from zero."

That's not always true. round() doesn't work that way, like zomis2k said it just rounds up _or_ down to the nearest non-decimal number. However this should work.


function roundaway($num) {
    if (
$num > 0)
    elseif (
$num < 0)
    elseif (
$num == 0)

roger_dupere at hotmail dot com 10-Nov-2003 02:02
Here is a navbar using the ceil function.

function navbar($num_rows,$page,$link) {
$nbrlink = 10; /* Number of link to display per page */
$page = (int) $page; /* Page now displayed */
$num_rows = (int) $num_rows;

$num_rows > 0 ) {
$total_page = ceil( $num_rows / $nbrlink );

$i=1;$i<$total_page+1;$i++ ) {
$i == $page ) {
$ret .= " <b>$i</b> ";
       } else {
strstr( $link,"?" ) ) {
$ret .= " <a href=\"$link&page=$i\">$i</a> ";
         } else {
$ret .= " <a href=\"$link?page=$i\">$i</a> ";

/* Let say that $num_rows content the numbre of rows of your sql query */
$navbar = navbar( $num_rows, $page, "listmovie.php?id=$id" );

$navbar != null || $navbar != "" ) {
"<p><div align=\"center\">$navbar</div></p>" );

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