

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



connection_status ( void ) : int



获得当前连接的状态位, 可以用于与 CONNECTION_XXX 定义的常量来确定连接状态。


User Contributed Notes

jorge dot hebrard at gmail dot com 26-Jan-2009 04:01
You can always send chr(0) to check if browser is still alive, that will show no output in browser page (at least in Firefox).
Michael 20-Mar-2005 09:59
Yes it is true. I made some experiments with that functions 'connection_abortes()'. First a source made an error, which I see. They wrote: ignore_user_abort();

But that only gives you the status of the 'Abort-Setting'.
So I try (with little hope)
And as I readout the setting it has changed it...

Next I see that the script runs after I disconnect with the site. But other experiments fail. I try some things and then it
was logical after an experiment: flush() is one of the necessary things. Without those output to the client the function
          'connection_aborted()' stays on 'false'
The Second is that you have to output something. Without that it also doesn't works.
So I now know that you have to echo something and then output the buffer. Only then 'the Script' (or the function)
'knows' that the client is disconnected.
toppi at kacke dot de 16-Jun-2004 09:06
Notice !

if you running a loop (while, foeach etc..)  you have to send something to the browser to check the status.


    if (connection_status()!=0){
doesnt work, if the user break/close the browser.

But a:

    Echo "\n"; //<-- send this to the client
    if (connection_status()!=0){
will work :)

i hope it will help some of you to safe some time :)


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