

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



count ( mixed $array_or_countable [, int $mode = COUNT_NORMAL ] ) : int


对于对象,如果安装了 SPL,可以通过实现 Countable 接口对 count()挂钩(hook) 。该接口只有一个方法 Countable::count(),此方法为 count() 函数返回值。

关于 PHP 中如何实现和使用数组可以参考手册中数组章节中的详细描述。



数组或者 Countable 对象。


如果可选的 mode 参数设为 COUNT_RECURSIVE(或 1),count() 将递归地对数组计数。对计算多维数组的所有单元尤其有用。


count() 能检测递归来避免无限循环,但每次出现时会产生 E_WARNING 错误 (如果 array 不止一次包含了自身)并返回大于预期的统计数字。


返回 array_or_countable 中的单元数目。 如果参数既不是数组,也不是实现 Countable 接口的对象,将返回 1。 有个例外:如果 array_or_countableNULL 则结果是 0


Example #1 count() 例子

[0] = 1;
$a[1] = 3;
$a[2] = 5;

$b[0]  = 7;
$b[5]  = 9;
$b[10] = 11;





Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in ... on line 12 // PHP 7.2 起

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in ... on line 14 // PHP 7.2 起

Example #2 递归 count() 例子

= array('fruits' => array('orange''banana''apple'),
'veggie' => array('carrot''collard''pea'));

// recursive count
echo count($foodCOUNT_RECURSIVE); // output 8

// normal count
echo count($food); // output 2



版本 说明
7.2.0 当无效的 countable 类型传递给 array_or_countable 参数时,count() 会产生警告。


  • is_array() - 检测变量是否是数组
  • isset() - 检测变量是否已设置并且非 NULL
  • empty() - 检查一个变量是否为空
  • strlen() - 获取字符串长度

User Contributed Notes

lucasfsmartins at gmail dot com 07-Mar-2019 11:26
If you are on PHP 7.2+, you need to be aware of "Changelog" and use something like this:

= is_array($countFruits) || $countFruits instanceof Countable ? count($countFruits) : 0;

You can organize your code to ensure that the variable is an array, or you can extend the Countable so that you don't have to do this check.
flavioaugusto dot br at gmail dot com 01-Mar-2019 02:55
Criada para contar quantos níveis um array multidimensional possui.

function count_multiLevel($matrix, $_LEVEL = 0){
        /* Variáveis de recurs?o */
        $_COUNT = $_LEVEL;
        /* Verifica se o ARRAY foi instanciado */
        if (is_setVar($matrix)){
            /* Verifica se a variável é um ARRAY */
                /* Loop de elementos da matriz*/
                foreach ($matrix as $elements => $value) {
                    /* Auxiliar para verifica??o posterior */
                    $_AUX = $_COUNT;
                    /* Verifiando os Nós */
                    if (is_array($matrix[$elements])) {
                        $_COUNT = count_multiLevel($matrix[$elements], $_LEVEL+1);   
                    /* Cereja do bolo */
                    if($_AUX > $_COUNT)
                        $_COUNT = $_AUX;
                /* Retorn do resultado da opera??o */
                return $_COUNT;
                /* Em casos que o valor passado n?o seja uma matriz/array */
                return -1;
buyatv at gmail dot com 27-Jan-2017 09:16
You can not get collect sub array count when use the key on only one sub array in an array:

$a = array("a"=>"appple", b"=>array('a'=>array(1,2,3),'b'=>array(1,2,3)));
$b = array("a"=>"appple", "b"=>array(array('a'=>array(1,2,3),'b'=>array(1,2,3)), array(1,2,3),'b'=>array(1,2,3)), array('a'=>array(1,2,3),'b'=>array(1,2,3))));

echo count($a['b']);  // 2 NOT 1, expect 1
echo count($b['b']);  // 3,   expected
buyatv at gmail dot com 26-Jan-2017 10:32
You can not get collect sub array count when there is only one sub array in an array:

$a = array ( array ('a','b','c','d'));
$b = array ( array ('a','b','c','d'), array ('e','f','g','h'));

echo count($a);  // 4 NOT 1, expect 1
echo count($b);  // 2,   expected
php_count at cubmd dot com 22-Nov-2016 03:12
All the previous recursive count solutions with $depth option would not avoid infinite loops in case the array contains itself more than once.
Here's a working solution:

     * Recursively count elements in an array. Behaves exactly the same as native
     * count() function with the $depth option. Meaning it will also add +1 to the
     * total count, for the parent element, and not only counting its children.
     * @param $arr
     * @param int $depth
     * @param int $i (internal)
     * @return int
public static function countRecursive(&$arr, $depth = 0, $i = 0) {
         * In case the depth is 0, use the native count function
if (empty($depth)) {
count($arr, COUNT_RECURSIVE);
$count = 0;
         * This can occur only the first time when the method is called and $arr is not an array
if (!is_array($arr)) {

// if this key is present, it means you already walked this array
if (isset($arr['__been_here'])) {

$arr['__been_here'] = true;

        foreach (
$arr as $key => &$value) {
            if (
$key !== '__been_here') {
                if (
is_array($value) && $depth > $i) {
$count += self::countRecursive($value, $depth, $i);


// you need to unset it when done because you're working with a reference...
ThisIsNotImportant 17-Dec-2015 03:10
About 2d arrays, you have many way to count elements :

= array ( array(1,2,3),
'a','b','c','d') );

// All elements
echo count($MyArray ,COUNT_RECURSIVE);  // output 11 (9 values + 2 arrays)

// First level elements
echo count($MyArray );                  // output 4 (2 values+ 2 arrays)

// Both level values, but only values
echo(array_sum(array_map('count',$MyArray ))); //output 9 (9 values)

// Only second level values
echo (count($MyArray ,COUNT_RECURSIVE)-count($MyArray )); //output 7 ((all elements) - (first elements))
pied-pierre 04-Jun-2015 05:27
A function of one line to find the number of elements that are not arrays, recursively :

function count_elt($array, &$count=0){
  foreach($array as $v) if(is_array($v)) count_elt($v,$count); else ++$count;
  return $count;
JumpIfBelow 05-May-2015 02:18
As I see in many codes, don't use count to iterate through array.
Onlyranga says you could declare a variable to store it before the for loop.
I agree with his/her approach, using count in the test should be used ONLY if you have to count the size of the array for each loop.

You can do it in the for loop too, so you don't have to "search" where the variable is set.
= [1, 5, 'element'];
$i = 0, $c = count($array); $i < $c; $i++)
onlyranga at gmail dot com 28-Apr-2014 02:14
[Editor's note: array at from dot pl had pointed out that count() is a cheap operation; however, there's still the function call overhead.]

If you want to run through large arrays don't use count() function in the loops , its a over head in performance,  copy the count() value into a variable and use that value in loops for a better performance.


// Bad approach

    // calculations

// Good approach

$arr_length = count($some_arr);
    // calculations
Gerd Christian Kunze 11-Dec-2013 12:56
Get maxWidth and maxHeight of a two dimensional array..?

1st dimension = Y (height)
2nd dimension = X (width)
e.g. rows and cols in database result arrays

= array( 0 => array( 'key' => 'value', ...), ... );

So for Y (maxHeight)
= count( $TwoDimensionalArray )

And for X (maxWidth)
= max( array_map( 'count'$TwoDimensionalArray ) );

Simple? ;-)
danny at dannymendel dot com 13-Jun-2007 01:14
I actually find the following function more useful when it comes to multidimension arrays when you do not want all levels of the array tree.

// $limit is set to the number of recursions
function count_recursive ($array, $limit) {
$count = 0;
    foreach (
$array as $id => $_array) {
        if (
is_array ($_array) && $limit > 0) {
$count += count_recursive ($_array, $limit - 1);
        } else {
$count += 1;
alexandr at vladykin dot pp dot ru 08-Nov-2006 04:28
My function returns the number of elements in array for multidimensional arrays subject to depth of array. (Almost COUNT_RECURSIVE, but you can point on which depth you want to plunge).

function getArrCount ($arr, $depth=1) {
      if (!
is_array($arr) || !$depth) return 0;
      foreach (
$arr as $in_ar)
$res+=getArrCount($in_ar, $depth-1);

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