

(PHP 5 < 5.3.0, dbase 5, dbase 7)

dbase_openOpens a database


dbase_open ( string $filename , int $mode ) : resource

dbase_open() opens a dBase database with the given access mode.

Note: 当启用 安全模式时, PHP 会检查被操作的文件或目录是否与被执行的脚本有相同的 UID(所有者)。


此函数受 open_basedir 影响。



The name of the database. It can be a relative or absolute path to the file where dBase will store your data.


An integer which correspond to those for the open() system call (Typically 0 means read-only, 1 means write-only, and 2 means read and write).


You can't open a dBase file in write-only mode as the function will fail to read the headers information and thus you can't use 1 as mode.

As of dbase 7.0.0 you can use DBASE_RDONLY and DBASE_RDWR, respectively, to specify the mode.


版本 说明
dbase 7.0.0 The return value is now a resource instead of an int.


Example #1 Opening a dBase database file


// open in read-only mode
$db dbase_open('/tmp/test.dbf'0);

if (
$db) {
// read some data ..



Returns a database link identifier if the database is successfully opened, or FALSE if an error occurred.


User Contributed Notes

Anonymous 11-Jan-2008 03:05
COPY TO tablename.dbf TYPE FOXPLUS
The table is exported like DBase IV version and works fine with php.
jmertic at ncscredit dot com 16-Oct-2001 04:57
If you are wanting to open Foxpro tables using this, make sure they are in the 2.x format or php will not respond. In VFP use the following:

COPY TO tablename.dbf TYPE FOX2X

This is an easy way to bring database info to the web if you have a small foxpro setup.

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