

(PHP 5 >= 5.6.0, PHP 7)



hash_equals ( string $known_string , string $user_string ) : bool


本函数可以用在需要防止时序攻击的字符串比较场景中, 例如,可以用在比较 crypt() 密码哈希值的场景。



已知长度的、要参与比较的 string




当两个字符串相等时返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE


如果所提供的 2 个参数中任何一个不是字符串, 会导致 E_WARNING 消息。


Example #1 hash_equals() 例程

$correct   crypt('12345''$2a$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$');
$incorrect crypt('apple',  '$2a$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$');






要想成功进行比较,那么所提供的 2 个参数必须是相同长度的字符串。 如果所提供的字符串长度不同,那么本函数会立即返回 FALSE, 在时序攻击的场景下,已知字符串的长度可能会被泄露。



User Contributed Notes

jcastromail at yahoo dot es 14-Oct-2017 07:19
What is a timing attack?

In short, a timing attack is a way to predict a encryption by using the time to takes to compare two encrypted values.  Depending the encryption, if you want to compare two encrypted values, if one of them is completely different then the system takes less time than if it has  something similarities   The difference of time is usually in microseconds.   So, giving several attempts, in theory its possible to crack a system.

However, usually a system is composed by several services and serving more than a customer at the same time. So, even the interval of time of execute an operation PHP is always variable, its not exact at all. For example, if you run a benchmark in php

= microtime(true);
$expected  = crypt('12345', '$2a$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$');
$correct   = crypt('12345', '$2a$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$');
$result=hash_equals($expected, $correct);

$time_end = microtime(true);
$time_end - $time_start;

= microtime(true);

$expected  = crypt('12345', '$2a$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$');
$correct   = crypt('12345', '$2a$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$');

$time_end = microtime(true);
$time_end - $time_start;

you will get different values each time you run it. So, we are free of timing attack without even using this function, and we aren't even considering the delay of the network, delay of the browser and so on.   Even in the same machine and running

So, in theory a timing attack is possible, however empirically its not.
enclaved 10-Aug-2017 08:10
This is a WARNING to everyone!

Using hash_equals() is fine in itself, but the NEED for such comparison isn't, and should be an alarm to you that your PHP program design is severely flawed somewhere. The golden rule has it: NEVER do any sort of crypto in PHP in the first place. Cryptography doesn't belong in PHP code for a variety of reasons.

First of all, it is a very sloppy and insecure enterprise; I keep seeing script kiddos trying to roll their own crypto again and again without a iota of understanding. Homemade crypto appliance is worse than no crypto, it is pure vice. If you're not a professional, well-educated, experienced cryptographer, then forget about writing your own crypto code forever, don't even dare to consider it before you master the subject in every tiny aspect, because you WILL make mistakes. Dangerous, fatal mistakes. To add insult to injury, in PHP security flaws may be exceptionally non-obvious due to the complexity of Zend--the chances are there will always be a side channel attack opportunity, and you'll never figure it out, because your code MAY appear bug-less, but some internal aspect of the Zend framework still opens a side channel attack vector. Remember: crypto does not belong in scripting languages because of their very misleading and unpredictable nature (in terms of cryptographic environments); crypto must be written in solid, compiled, purely deterministic languages like C, C++, and Fortran.

Second, PHP is neither the right tool nor the right environment for cryptography. In a typical site system, PHP is not in place to do crypto, because there are better places to do it: the HTTP server and the RDBMS. Just memorize this single rule of thumb: cryptographic secrets must never cross subsystem/layer boundaries:

    Database <-- ! --> CGI program <-- ! --> HTTP server

Cryptographic tasks are performed either by the HTTP server (e.g. authentication of users with client SSL certificates) or the RDBMS (e.g. password-based access to data), and these tasks must be ENCAPSULATED inside the facility, self-contained. For example, if you store KDF-derived digests of passwords in an SQL database, you must NOT compare digests in PHP, but only in SQL queries or stored procedures. Once produced and put into the database, a password digest (or any other sensitive data) must not exit it in any way as-is, be it a SELECT query or some other way, that is considered a leak in the cryptosystem. Use ONLY database-provided means to perform any crypto operations.

As PostgreSQL is the usual database of choice for technically advanced and sound WWW or intranet sites, my advice is to use its pgcrypto extension, it is mature, well-tested, and has all the right tools. Here's a textbook password handling example to illustrate how secrets can be confined within the database layer without extracting them into the PHP layer. Password digest derivation and storing:

    INSERT INTO account (digest) VALUES (crypt('password', gen_salt('bf')));


    SELECT digest = crypt('password', gen_salt(digest)) FROM account;

Exceptionally simple, elegant, clean, and secure (Blowfish is more than enough for user-set passwords), isn't it? You can clearly see that after the initial INSERT (or any subsequent UPDATEs) the password digest never leaves the RDBMS, that is, never gets trasmitted in any form over the client-server link, the entire checking procedure is wholly executed by the RDBMS, i.e. it is encapsulated and isolated. And the best part about it: no PHP involved in crypto! This IS the way to go if application security is on your checklist.

The SELECT query above performs password checking without disclosing the digest it is comparing against, which is exactly my point. It would be illogical, impractical, and just stupid to use hash_equals() in this scenario when the RDBMS itself can do just fine.
s rotondo90 at gmail com 10-Jul-2016 04:00
asphp has done a great job and that one of Markus P. N. is also good too.

However i made my own more concise version of the asphp code that supports different lenght strings and i used the same tests of Markus in order see how it works.

if(!function_exists('hash_equals')) {
hash_equals($known_string, $user_string) {
$ret = 0;
        if (
strlen($known_string) !== strlen($user_string)) {
$user_string = $known_string;
$ret = 1;
$res = $known_string ^ $user_string;
        for (
$i = strlen($res) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
$ret |= ord($res[$i]);
        return !
David Grudl 25-Nov-2015 05:55
Very short timing attack safe string comparison for PHP < 5.6

function hash_equals($a, $b) {
substr_count($a ^ $b, "\0") * 2 === strlen($a . $b);
Cedric Van Bockhaven 15-Apr-2015 09:01
Our server does not support the hash_equals function. We are using the following snippet which also has support for strings of different length:

if(!function_exists('hash_equals')) {
hash_equals($a, $b) {
$ret = strlen($a) ^ strlen($b);
$ret |= array_sum(unpack("C*", $a^$b));
        return !
Markus P. N. 04-Sep-2014 09:46
I don't know why asphp at dsgml dot com got that many downvotes, the function seems to work.

I extended it a bit to support strings of diffent length and to handle errors and ran some tests:

The test results and how to reproduce them:

The function:

if (!function_exists('hash_equals')) {

     * Timing attack safe string comparison
     * Compares two strings using the same time whether they're equal or not.
     * This function should be used to mitigate timing attacks; for instance, when testing crypt() password hashes.
     * @param string $known_string The string of known length to compare against
     * @param string $user_string The user-supplied string
     * @return boolean Returns TRUE when the two strings are equal, FALSE otherwise.
function hash_equals($known_string, $user_string)
        if (
func_num_args() !== 2) {
// handle wrong parameter count as the native implentation
trigger_error('hash_equals() expects exactly 2 parameters, ' . func_num_args() . ' given', E_USER_WARNING);
        if (
is_string($known_string) !== true) {
trigger_error('hash_equals(): Expected known_string to be a string, ' . gettype($known_string) . ' given', E_USER_WARNING);
$known_string_len = strlen($known_string);
$user_string_type_error = 'hash_equals(): Expected user_string to be a string, ' . gettype($user_string) . ' given'; // prepare wrong type error message now to reduce the impact of string concatenation and the gettype call
if (is_string($user_string) !== true) {
trigger_error($user_string_type_error, E_USER_WARNING);
// prevention of timing attacks might be still possible if we handle $user_string as a string of diffent length (the trigger_error() call increases the execution time a bit)
$user_string_len = strlen($user_string);
$user_string_len = $known_string_len + 1;
        } else {
$user_string_len = $known_string_len + 1;
$user_string_len = strlen($user_string);
        if (
$known_string_len !== $user_string_len) {
$res = $known_string ^ $known_string; // use $known_string instead of $user_string to handle strings of diffrent length.
$ret = 1; // set $ret to 1 to make sure false is returned
} else {
$res = $known_string ^ $user_string;
$ret = 0;
        for (
$i = strlen($res) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$ret |= ord($res[$i]);
$ret === 0;


asphp at dsgml dot com 28-Aug-2014 07:48
To transparently support this function on older versions of PHP use this:

if(!function_exists('hash_equals')) {
hash_equals($str1, $str2) {
strlen($str1) != strlen($str2)) {
    } else {
$res = $str1 ^ $str2;
$ret = 0;
$i = strlen($res) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) $ret |= ord($res[$i]);
      return !

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