This function convert image size of Pixel to Centimeter
#$imagem - source of image
#$dpi - resolution to convert E.g.: 72dpi or 300dpi
function px2cm($image, $dpi) {
#Create a new image from file or URL
$img = ImageCreateFromJpeg($image);
#Get image width / height
$x = ImageSX($img);
$y = ImageSY($img);
#Convert to centimeter
$h = $x * 2.54 / $dpi;
$l = $y * 2.54 / $dpi;
#Format a number with grouped thousands
$h = number_format($h, 2, ',', ' ');
$l = number_format($l, 2, ',', ' ');
#add size unit
$px2cm[] = $h."cm";
$px2cm[] = $l."cm";
#return array w values
#$px2cm[0] = X
#$px2cm[1] = Y
return $px2cm;
$image = "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\lab\\trata_img\\l0gik.jpg";
$dpi = 300;
$result = px2cm($image, $dpi);
print ($result[0]." x ".$result[1]);