to :
doing ...
list($usec,$sec)=explode(" ",microtime());
$unique = mt_srand($sec * $usec);
theoretiaclly, makes just as much sense as
list($usec,$sec)=explode(" ",microtime());
$unique = $usec + 0;
Once every while, depending on the microsecond resolution of your computer, the millisecond value will be a zero (0), and as I hope you know, in mathematics, any number multiplied by a zero becomes a zero itself.
(x * 0 = 0)
In real life, on a good machine, with a resolution to 1 million miliseconds per each second (i.e: Win2k server), you will be reduplicating your unique ID each million's ID issued. This means if you use it as your cookie encryption algorithm or a visitor ID, you will not exceed some million instances.
Futhermore, if that would be for a software development that you re-distribuite, installed on some weird old PC, where resolution can be as small as 100 milliseconds per second - a code with this uniqueness algorithm just wouldn't last any long.
Good Luck,
Maxim Maletsky