

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

oci_parse配置 Oracle 语句预备执行


oci_parse ( resource $connection , string $query ) : resource

oci_parse()connection 上配置 query 并返回语句标识符以用于 oci_bind_by_name()oci_execute() 以及其它函数。


本函数并不验证 query。要知道 query 是否是合法的 SQL 或 PL/SQL 语句的唯一方法是执行它。

oci_parse() 在出错时返回 FALSE


在 PHP 5.0.0 之前的版本必须使用 ociparse() 替代本函数。该函数名仍然可用,为向下兼容作为 oci_parse() 的别名。不过其已被废弃,不推荐使用。

User Contributed Notes

interloper at ukr dot net 02-Sep-2015 03:06
If you want using PL/SQL in variable:

= "begin null;  end;";
$stid = oci_parse($conn, "$query");


= oci_parse($conn, "begin null;  end;");
falundir at gmail dot com 08-Feb-2011 05:38
When you want to call stored function (and want to read its result) which executes DML queries (insert, update, delete) inside its body you can't use "select your_stored_function(:param1, :param2) from dual" because you will receive "ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query" error.

In order to call such function and get its result you need to wrap it into nested procedure with OUT parameter like this:

  PROCEDURE caller(return_value OUT NUMBER) AS
    return_value := your_stored_function(:param1, :param2);

and bind to :return_value variable to get the result of function.
michael dot virnstein at brodos dot de 04-Dec-2007 08:43
A neat way to parse a query only once per script, if the query is done inside a function:

function querySomething($conn, $id)

    if (
is_null($stmt)) {
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, 'select * from t where pk = :id');

oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':id', $id, -1);

oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);

oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC);



With the static variable, the statment handle isn't closed after the function has terminated. Very nice for functions that are called e.g. in loops. Unfortunately this only works for static sql. If you have dynamic sql, you can do the following:


function querySomething($conn, $data)
$stmt = array();
$first = true;
$query = 'select * from t';

    foreach (
$data as $key => $value) {
        if (
$first) {
$first = false;
$query .= ' where ';
        } else {
$query .= ' and ';
$query .= "$key = :b$key";
$queryhash = md5($query);
    if (
is_null($stmt[$queryhash])) {
$stmt[$queryhash] = oci_parse($conn, $query);   

    foreach (
$data as $key => $value) {
// don't use $value, because we bind memory addresses here.
        // this would result in every bind pointing at the same value after foreach
oci_bind_by_name($stmt[$queryhash], ":b$key", $data[$key], -1);
oci_execute($stmt[$queryhash], OCI_DEFAULT);

oci_fetch_array($stmt[$queryhash], OCI_ASSOC);


kurt at kovac dot ch 04-May-2004 08:40
For those that are having trouble with error checking, i have noticed on a lot of sites that people are trying to check the statement handle for error messages with OCIParse. Since the statement handle ($sth) is not created yet, you need to check the database handle ($dbh) for any errors with OCIParse. For example:

instead of:

= OCIParse($conn, $query);
if (!
$stmt) {
$oerr = OCIError($stmt);
"Fetch Code 1:".$oerr["message"];


= OCIParse($conn, $query);
if (!
$stmt) {
$oerr = OCIError($conn);
"Fetch Code 1:".$oerr["message"];

Hope this helps someone.
egypt at nmt dot edu 14-Oct-2003 07:31
Whereas MySQL doesn't care what kind of quotes are around a LIKE clause, ociexecute gives the error:
    ociexecute(): OCIStmtExecute: ORA-00904: "NM": invalid identifier
for the following.
= "SELECT * FROM addresses "
. "WHERE state LIKE \"NM\""// error!
$stmt = ociparse($conn, $sql);

it's fine if you just use single quotes:
    . "WHERE state LIKE 'NM'";
but i think it's interesting that ociparse doesn't say anything

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