

(PECL pdflib >= 2.0.0)

PDF_begin_documentCreate new PDF file


PDF_begin_document ( resource $pdfdoc , string $filename , string $optlist ) : int

Creates a new PDF file subject to various options.

User Contributed Notes

jk at buero-ix dot de 30-Dec-2017 10:37
PDFlib is not under GNU GPL and has therefore to be bought, if you want it to use.
walterdolce at gmail dot com 09-Aug-2012 10:40
If you want a complete documentation on the entire PDFlib is it possible to download, read and study the reference .pdf file (and related) on [ ]

Note that this link points to a precise version of the library. You may want to check newer versions in the future on the same domain.
daniel at objective-view dot de 09-Mar-2008 04:03
Creating a PDF with a defined PDF-Version (1.6 in this case) works like this:

if (PDF_begin_document($p,  "", "compatibility 1.6") == 0) {
    die("Error: " . PDF_get_errmsg($p));
wheatin at gmail dot com 08-Nov-2007 06:43
There doesn't seem to be much documentation on setting options with this function, but here's the format for setting some basic things:

$optlist = "destination={page=1 type=fixed zoom=1 top=100 left=50}";
PDF_begin_document($pdfdoc, $filename, $optlist );

the '=' character can be replaced with a space, but I think '=' makes the code more readable.
Also, you must include 'type=fixed' to use 'zoom','left', or 'top'. You can set 'page' without it, though.
Hope this helps. And if anybody knows a good reference for the options that can be set here and what the format is, please link.

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