

(PHP 4, PECL pdflib >= 1.0.0)

PDF_continue_textOutput text in next line


PDF_continue_text ( resource $p , string $text ) : bool

Prints text at the next line. 成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE

User Contributed Notes

cbaltaci at turkisp dot com 13-Sep-2005 03:59
Shortest way to wordwrap in pdf_continue_text. There is no problem with new lines. Thnx to

$text = $_POST['texfield']; ;
$lines = explode("\n",$text);
pdf_set_text_pos($pdfdoc,$x ,$y);
foreach($lines as $line){
    $foo = $line;
    $foo = wordwrap($foo,122,"|");
    $Arrx = explode("|",$foo);
    $i = 0;
    while ($Arrx[$i] != "") {
timo dot schmid at gmail dot com 01-Jul-2005 12:19
I found no possibility to align a Text right. So I wrote a function:

function pdf_align_right($string, $chars = 10){
$string = str_pad($string, $chars, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
// Spaces in PDF-Documents are only the Half of a Normal Letter: So we replace them with 2 Spaces
$string = preg_replace("/ /", "  ", $string);

Note that the 2nd Parameter is NOT the Lenght of the returned String because the Spaces will be replaced with 2 Spaces.
stephen at thelonecoder dot com 27-Jun-2005 08:06
For wrapping text in pdf this is the method that I have been using .

It handles variable font and sizes and also variable widths on the paragraph.

= $db->row['content'];

$color = convert_hexcolor_rgbdec($color_hex);
pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'both', 'rgb', $color['r'], $color['g'], $color['b']);

$font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "$fontStyle", "host", 1);
pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, $s);

$par1 = stripslashes($c);

$j = 0;
$n = 0;
$j < $pw && $c != "") {
$f = substr($par1, $n, 1);
$fWidth = pdf_stringwidth($pdf, "$f", 1, $s);
$j = $j + $fWidth;
$fWidth = 0;
$wrap = $n;
$lead = $s + 2;
$paragraph = wordwrap($paragraph, $wrap, "***");
$parArr = explode("***", $paragraph);

pdf_show_xy($pdf, "$parArr[0]", $x, $y);
pdf_set_leading($pdf, $lead);

$i = 1;
$parArr[$i]) {
pdf_continue_text($pdf, "$parArr[$i]");
marco at elevate dot nl 06-Nov-2002 07:09
// Replace the while loop with this foreach and empty lines
// won't be a problem.

foreach($Arr as $line) {
npoole at binary dot net 05-Jul-2002 02:34
This is how I wrap text in a PDF file built from database content...

$foo = mysql_result($results,0,"foo");

$foo = wordwrap($foo,72,"|");

$Arr = explode("|",$foo);
$i = 0;
while ($Arr[$i] != "") {

Someone mentioned to me (and rightfully so) that this may be flawed if you have 2 blank lines, and then more text in the variable.  Use it for what you will though, you may find it (or an alteration of it) useful.

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