

(PECL pdflib >= 2.0.0)

PDF_fit_textflowFormat textflow in rectangular area


PDF_fit_textflow ( resource $pdfdoc , int $textflow , float $llx , float $lly , float $urx , float $ury , string $optlist ) : string

Formats the next portion of a textflow into a rectangular area.

User Contributed Notes

Kiera 09-Nov-2017 03:40
fit_textflow($tf, x_coord, y_coord, w_coord, h_coord, $opt)
    x_coord - number of pixels from the left
    y_coord - number of pixels from the bottom of the text box to the bottom of the PDF
    w_coord - number of pixels from the left to the right side of the box
    h_coord - number of pixels from the bottom of the PDF to the top of the text box
Anonymous 28-Nov-2014 07:42
As of v8 or v9 of PDFlib, some things have changed concerning pdf_fit_textflow . The example (2 posts above) which makes textflow extend accross multiple pages, may be necessary to be changed in this way:

do {

} while(strcmp($result, "_boxfull") == 0);
David 19-Nov-2007 05:16
This function is not supported in "PDFlib Lite" extension which is mostly been used by PHP-programmers.
ctemple at xadvance dot com 13-Aug-2006 12:10
This is an excerpt of code from the PDFlib Manual that has been modfied for PHP.  It fulfills the very common need to have a textflow extend accross multiple pages.

$pdf is the PDF file resource.  You may want to modify the page size (this is letter size) or the position of the textflow itself.



$textflow = PDF_create_textflow($pdf, $thetext, "fontname=Tahoma fontsize=9 encoding=winansi");

do {
PDF_begin_page_ext($pdf, 612, 792, "");
$result = PDF_fit_textflow($pdf, $textflow, 50, 120, 550, 720, "");
PDF_end_page_ext($pdf, "");
} while (
strcmp($result, "_stop"));

PDF_delete_textflow($pdf, $textflow);


If you have any templates or pagination that need to be placed on each page, they can go within the do/while loop itself, between the begin_page and end_page functions.
GreenRover 17-May-2006 04:53
to plant an singel line with an alignment

$textflow = pdf_create_textflow($pdf, "test 123\nfoo baaa", 'fontname=Helvetica fontsize=12 encoding=iso8859-1 alignment=right');   
  pdf_fit_textflow   ($pdf, $textflow, 400, 100, 550, 200, '');
  pdf_delete_textflow($pdf, $textflow);

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