

(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PECL pdflib >= 1.0.0)

PDF_setcolorSet fill and stroke color


PDF_setcolor ( resource $p , string $fstype , string $colorspace , float $c1 , float $c2 , float $c3 , float $c4 ) : bool

Sets the current color space and color. 成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE

User Contributed Notes

cancausecancer at yahoo dot com 14-Jan-2011 04:39
Here is a quick snippet to convert CMYK to RGB. It has better precision than a lot of other solutions that also don't factor in colour profiles.


= '10,20,100,31';
$c, $m, $y, $k) = explode(',', $cmyk);

# Gets the rgb as floats (cast via (int) if you want int )
$r = (1 - min(($c / 100) * (1 - $k /= 100) + 1 * $k, 1)) * 255;
$g = (1 - min(($m / 100) * (1 - $k) + 1 * $k, 1)) * 255;
$b = (1 - min(($y / 100) * (1 - $k) + 1 * $k, 1)) * 255;

"$r $g $b\r\n";

# Converts the rgb to hex with leading 0's
$r = str_pad(dechex($r), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$g = str_pad(dechex($g), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$b = str_pad(dechex($b), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

"hex: $r$g$b\r\n";

/* an example to see the colour via html
echo '<div style="width: 80px; height: 80px; background-color: #', "$r$g$b", '"></div>';
_meto ALT+q 08-May-2004 09:03
Damn, this took me some real long time! Maybe it's helpfull for those who even have no idea of color-Schemes like me ;)

If u want to generate PDF's for Print Offices u need to set all the colors in CMYK.

Here is a Function that will convert RGB to CMYK

function hex2rgb($hex) {
  $color = str_replace('#','',$hex);
  $rgb = array('r' => hexdec(substr($color,0,2)),
               'g' => hexdec(substr($color,2,2)),
               'b' => hexdec(substr($color,4,2)));
  return $rgb;

function rgb2cmyk($var1,$g=0,$b=0) {
   if(is_array($var1)) {
      $r = $var1['r'];
      $g = $var1['g'];
      $b = $var1['b'];
   else $r=$var1;
   $cyan    = 255 - $r;
   $magenta = 255 - $g;
   $yellow  = 255 - $b;
   $black   = min($cyan, $magenta, $yellow);
   $cyan    = @(($cyan    - $black) / (255 - $black)) * 255;
   $magenta = @(($magenta - $black) / (255 - $black)) * 255;
   $yellow  = @(($yellow  - $black) / (255 - $black)) * 255;
   return array('c' => $cyan / 255,
                'm' => $magenta / 255,
                'y' => $yellow / 255,
                'k' => $black / 255);

pdf_setcolor($pdf, "both", "cmyk", $color['c'], $color['m'], $color['y'], $color['k']);

U can call it with parameters (r,g,b) or just an array(r,g,b) that contains these values.

Hope it works correct. All testing was fine.
enyo vel cora 13-Jan-2004 04:32
This seems a little less complicated:

this is the color you want to use : 'FF11AA'

($pdf, 'both', 0xFF / 255, 0x11 / 255, 0xAA / 255);
php at perfectweb dotcom 29-Apr-2003 04:22
Here's a better implementation for setting HTML hexadecimal colors:

function pdf_setcolor_hex($hexcolor, $type = '')
    global $pdf;     ## match this to your pdf resource handle
       $color['r'] = hexdec(substr($hexcolor, 0, 2))/255;
       $color['g'] = hexdec(substr($hexcolor, 2, 2))/255;
       $color['b'] = hexdec(substr($hexcolor, 4, 2))/255;
       if ($type != 'fill' && $type != 'stroke')  $type = 'both';
       pdf_setcolor($pdf, $type, 'rgb', $color['r'], $color['g'], $color['b']);

Sample usage:
pdf_setcolor_hex('FFFFFF', 'fill');

php at perfectweb dotcom 29-Apr-2003 12:59
Here's a function for converting HTML hexadecimal colors to RGB decimals suitable for this function:

$color_hex = "FF0000";       ## whatever hex color you want
$color = convert_hexcolor_rgbdec($color_hex);
pdf_setcolor($pdf, 'fill', 'rgb', $color['r'], $color['g'], $color['b']);

function convert_hexcolor_rgbdec($color_hex)
   $color['r'] = hexdec(substr($color_hex, 0, 2))/255;
   $color['g'] = hexdec(substr($color_hex, 2, 2))/255;
   $color['b'] = hexdec(substr($color_hex, 4, 2))/255;
   return $color;

maurice dot anglebert at free dot fr 28-Apr-2003 08:25

Cette fonction est utilisable pour d?finir une couleur de police.


I search for the way of setting colors for the font in pdf and I find this.
Hope it could help.

*    set font color

// path for the pdf file and string to show
$pdfFilePath = $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]."/the_dir_of_the_file/test.pdf";
$string = "The new color of my font";

$pdf = pdf_new();
pdf_open_file($pdf, $pdfFilePath);
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Title", "Test pdf");
// A4 page
pdf_begin_page($pdf, 595, 842);

// set up of the font
$font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "Courier", "host", FALSE);
    if (isset(
$font)) {
pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, 10) or die ("unknown font");

pdf_setColor($pdf, "fill", "rgb",0, 0, 1);
// this for blue color
// pdf_setColor($pdf, "fill", "rgb",1, 0, 0) for red

pdf_set_value($pdf, "textrendering", 0);
// show at the top of the page center
pdf_show_boxed($pdf, $string, 0, 832, 595, 10, "center", "");

// resets graphic state
// end of page and pdf_object

// use header to get the file
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-length: ".filesize($pdfFilePath));
header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=test.pdf");
psychosos at gmx dot at 16-Apr-2003 10:51
If you want to change the font color you need to set type to  "fill", not "stroke" ("both" also works, of course).
steven dot gould at NO_SPAM dot stevengould dot org 21-Dec-2001 11:44
If you encounter errors of the form function 'PDF_setcolor' must not be called in 'path' scope this generally means that you've called the PDFLib functions in the wrong order. For example, the following would be *incorrect* because PDF_rect marks the beginning of the "path scope", and set_color must not be called in path scope:


p>The correct order of function calls is as follows:
p>// Correct order of function calls


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