

(PHP 5, PHP 7)



proc_nice ( int $increment ) : bool

proc_nice() 修改当前进程的优先级, 修改量由 increment 参数指定。 increment 为正数会降低当前进程优先级, 反之,为负数会提高优先级。

proc_nice()proc_open() 函数以及和 proc_open() 相关的函数并无什么关系。




在 Unix 系统上,较小的值表示较高的优先级,例如:-20, 而正数值表示更低的优先级。

在 Windows 平台上,increment 参数 的含义如下:

优先级 可能的值
高优先级 increment < -9
较高优先级 increment < -4
正常优先级 increment < 5 & increment > -5
较低优先级 increment > 5
低优先级 increment > 9


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE。。 如果发生错误,例如用户无权修改当前进程的优先级, 会生成 E_WARNING 级别的错误。


Example #1 使用 proc_open() 函数将进程设置为高优先级

// Highest priority


版本 说明
7.2.0 在 Windows 平台上可用。


Note: 可用性

仅在具有 'nice' 能力的系统上才可以使用 proc_nice() 函数。 下列系统含有 'nice':SVr4, SVID EXT, AT&T, X/OPEN, BSD 4.3。

Note: Windows 平台

proc_nice() 函数会改变 当前 进程优先级,即使 PHP 是使用线程安全模式编译的。

User Contributed Notes

kevin AT REMOVETHIS 19-Apr-2013 06:17
On a Linux system, running apache2 as a non-privileged user you can not increase the niceness of the process after decreasing it. Also, you can not use the apache_child_ terminate either. I found the following does work though:


//decrease niceness

//kill child process to "reset" niceness
posix_kill( getmypid(), 28 );

Marek 19-Jan-2011 08:40
Regarding ionice - on linux the impact of the ionice -c3 class is similar to that of nice, because the CPU "niceness" is taken into account when calculating the io niceness.
php at richardneill dot org 24-Jun-2010 12:14
If a process is reniced, then all its children inherit that niceness. So a PHP script can call proc_nice on itself, then invoke system(), and the command executed via system() will also be niced.

Also worth making a note of ionice. There's no PHP function for this, but it's important. A nice'd program will happily try to chew up all i/o bandwidth with very little CPU usage, it can therefore make the entire computer non-responsive despite the programmer's intention.  Use "ionice -c3"  or see "man ionice"
pandi at home dot pl 25-Nov-2008 05:22
Simple function for check process nice, by default returns nice of current process:


public static function getProcessNice ($pid = null) {
    if (!
$pid) {
$pid = getmypid ();
$res = `ps -p $pid -o "%p %n"`;
preg_match ('/^\s*\w+\s+\w+\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)/m', $res, $matches);
    return array (
'pid' => (isset ($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : null), 'nice' => (isset ($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : null));


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