This function takes a string and returns an array with words (delimited by spaces), also taking into account quotes, doublequotes, backticks and backslashes (for escaping stuff).
$string = "cp 'my file' to `Judy's file`";
would yield:
array(4) {
string(2) "cp"
string(7) "my file"
string(5) "to"
string(11) "Judy's file"
Way it works, runs through the string character by character, for each character looking up the action to take, based on that character and its current $state.
Actions can be (one or more of) adding the character/string to the current word, adding the word to the output array, and changing or (re)storing the state.
For example a space will become part of the current 'word' (or 'token') if $state is 'doublequoted', but it will start a new token if $state was 'unquoted'.
I was later told it's a "tokeniser using a finite state automaton". Who knew :-)
function parse_cli($string) {
$state = 'space';
$previous = ''; $out = array(); $word = '';
$type = ''; $chart = array(
'space' => array('space'=>'', 'quote'=>'q', 'doublequote'=>'d', 'backtick'=>'b', 'backslash'=>'ue', 'other'=>'ua'),
'unquoted' => array('space'=>'w ', 'quote'=>'a', 'doublequote'=>'a', 'backtick'=>'a', 'backslash'=>'e', 'other'=>'a'),
'quoted' => array('space'=>'a', 'quote'=>'w ', 'doublequote'=>'a', 'backtick'=>'a', 'backslash'=>'e', 'other'=>'a'),
'doublequoted' => array('space'=>'a', 'quote'=>'a', 'doublequote'=>'w ', 'backtick'=>'a', 'backslash'=>'e', 'other'=>'a'),
'backticked' => array('space'=>'a', 'quote'=>'a', 'doublequote'=>'a', 'backtick'=>'w ', 'backslash'=>'e', 'other'=>'a'),
'escaped' => array('space'=>'ap', 'quote'=>'ap', 'doublequote'=>'ap', 'backtick'=>'ap', 'backslash'=>'ap', 'other'=>'ap'));
for ($i=0; $i<=strlen($string); $i++) {
$char = substr($string, $i, 1);
$type = array_search($char, array('space'=>' ', 'quote'=>'\'', 'doublequote'=>'"', 'backtick'=>'`', 'backslash'=>'\\'));
if (! $type) $type = 'other';
if ($type == 'other') {
preg_match("/[ \'\"\`\\\]/", $string, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $i);
if ($matches) {
$matches = $matches[0];
$char = substr($string, $i, $matches[1]-$i); $i = $matches[1] - 1;
$word .= substr($string, $i);
break; }
$actions = $chart[$state][$type];
for($j=0; $j<strlen($actions); $j++) {
$act = substr($actions, $j, 1);
if ($act == ' ') $state = 'space';
if ($act == 'u') $state = 'unquoted';
if ($act == 'q') $state = 'quoted';
if ($act == 'd') $state = 'doublequoted';
if ($act == 'b') $state = 'backticked';
if ($act == 'e') { $previous = $state; $state = 'escaped'; }
if ($act == 'a') $word .= $char;
if ($act == 'w') { $out[] = $word; $word = ''; }
if ($act == 'p') $state = $previous;
if (strlen($word)) $out[] = $word;
return $out;