Here is a little sort function that actually uses a dynamic callback for usort to do it's thing.
It assumes your data is in the form of:
$data = array(
array('ID'=>'1234','LAST'=>'Smith','FIRST'=>'Agent K'),
array('ID'=>'2','LAST'=>'Smith','FIRST'=>'Agent J'),
Now, you want to sort on one or more cols, don't you?
masort($data, 'LAST,FIRST');
Of course you could add a bunch to it (like numeric comparison if appropriate, desc/asc, etc) but it works for me.
function masort(&$data, $sortby){
$sortby = join(',',$sortby);
uasort($data,create_function('$a,$b','$skeys = split(\',\',\''.$sortby.'\');
foreach($skeys as $key){
if( ($c = strcasecmp($a[$key],$b[$key])) != 0 ){
return($c); '));
Notice that I am splitting the string in the comparison function? While this is certainly slower, it was the only way I would find to "pass" and "array". If anyone has a better way, please suggest. Then inside, we (string) compare the values only moving to the next key if the values are the same...and so on, and so on.