

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

unixtojd转变Unix时间戳为Julian Day计数


unixtojd ([ int $timestamp = time() ] ) : int








  • jdtounix() - 转变Julian Day计数为一个Unix时间戳

User Contributed Notes

hrabi at linuxwaves dot com 29-Mar-2007 06:02
according to and reading "X. Calendar Functions" on this side, it seems that php "jd" is precisely mean as "Chronological Julian Day" (should it be named cjd, and primarily strictly mentioned - isn't it?), used for covnersion between calendar systems. Than it's ok (but Incomplete manual is strongly confusing here IMHO).
Even that, cJD is adjusted to a local time, so... I am rather babeled now, so nothing else :-).
hrabi at linuxwaves dot com 29-Mar-2007 03:33
This is unusable. Julian Day start at noon, not midnight. It's better to use Fabio solution (however there is a lurk problem with leap second).

function mmd($txt, $str_time) {
$t = strtotime($str_time);
$j = unixtojd($t);
$s = gmstrftime('%D %T %Z', $t);
$j_fabio = $t / 86400 + 2440587.5;

printf("${txt} => (%s) %s, %s U, %s J, or %s J<br>\n", $str_time, $s, $t, $j, $j_fabio);

//$xt = strtotime("1.1.1970 15:00.00 GMT");
$sam = "9.10.1995 02:00.01 GMT";
$spm = "9.10.1995 22:00.01 GMT";

// unixtojd for $spm returns 2450000 (OK), but for $sam returns 2450000 too! (it is wrong).
mmd("am", $sam);  // should be 2449999 (+ 0.58334)
mmd("pm", $spm);  // should be 2450000 (+ 0.41668)

unix time, and UTC, TAI, ntp, ... problems:
Julian Date Converter:
history overview:
fabio at llgp dot org 31-Aug-2006 02:09
If you need an easy way to convert an unix timestamp to a decimal julian day you can use:

$julianDay = $unixTimeStamp / 86400 + 2440587.5;

86400 is the number of seconds in a day;
2440587.5 is the julian day at 1/1/1970 0:00 UTC.
10-Aug-2006 07:22
Its clearly stated that this function returns the Julian Day, not Julian Day + time.

If you want the time with it you will have to do something like:

johnston at capsaicin dot ca 19-Nov-2003 01:43
Also note that epoch is in UTC time (epoch is a specific point in time - epoch is not different for every time zone), so be aware of timezone complexities.

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