

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

urldecode解码已编码的 URL 字符串


urldecode ( string $str ) : string

解码给出的已编码字符串中的任何 %##。 加号('+')被解码成一个空格字符。







Example #1 urldecode() 示例


foreach (
explode('&'$query) as $chunk) {
$param explode("="$chunk);

    if (
$param) {
printf("Value for parameter \"%s\" is \"%s\"<br/>\n"urldecode($param[0]), urldecode($param[1]));



超全局变量 $_GET$_REQUEST 已经被解码了。对 $_GET$_REQUEST 里的元素使用 urldecode() 将会导致不可预计和危险的结果。


User Contributed Notes

Soaku 30-Aug-2017 05:28
Even if $_GET and $_REQUEST are decoded automatically, some other variables aren't. For example $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]. Remember to decode it when using.
OZLperez11 at gmail dot com 01-Oct-2015 05:26
When sending a string via AJAX POST data which contains an ampersand (&), be sure to use encodeURIComponent() on the javascript side and use urldecode() on the php side for whatever variable that was. I've found it tricky to transfer raw ampersands and so this is what worked for me:

["data"] = "one%20%26%20two";
$a = urldecode($_POST["data"); // -> "one & two"

For some reason, a variable with an ampersand would stay encoded while other POST variables were automatically decoded. I concatenated data from an html form before submitting, in case you wish to know what happened on the browser end.
aravind dot a dot padmanabhan at gmail dot com 02-Sep-2013 10:26
It seems that the $_REQUEST global parameter is automatically decoded only if the content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

if the content type is multipart/form-data. the data remains un-decoded. and we have to manually handle the decoding at our end
alejandro at devenet dot net 14-Dec-2010 06:27
When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "o" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)

in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x

= $_GET['myvar'];

$x store: in the first case "?" (bad) and in the second case "o" (good)

To fix that, you can use this function:

function to_utf8( $string ) {
// From
if ( preg_match('%^(?:
      [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]            # ASCII
    | [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]             # non-overlong 2-byte
    | \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]         # excluding overlongs
    | [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}  # straight 3-byte
    | \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]         # excluding surrogates
    | \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}      # planes 1-3
    | [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}          # planes 4-15
    | \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}      # plane 16
, $string) ) {
    } else {
iconv( 'CP1252', 'UTF-8', $string);

and assign in this way:

= to_utf8( $_GET['myvar'] );

$x store: in the first case "o" (good) and in the second case "o" (good)

Solve a lot of i18n problems.

Please fix the auto-urldecode of $_GET var in the next PHP version.


Alejandro Salamanca
mail dot roliveira at gmail dot com 19-May-2009 04:50
Send json to PHP via AJAX (POST)

If you send json data via ajax, and encode it with encodeURIComponent in javascript, then on PHP side, you will have to do stripslashes on your $_POST['myVar'].

After this, you can do json_decode on your string.


// first use encodeURIComponent on javascript to encode the string
// receive json string and prepare it to json_decode
$jsonStr = stripslashes ($_POST['action']);
// decode to php object
$json = json_decode ($jsonStr);

// $json is now a php object
Jan Vratny 12-Jun-2008 05:09
mkaganer at gmail dot com:

try using encodeURI() instead of encode() in javascript. That worked for me, while your solution did not on __some__ national characters (at least in IE6).
Joe 03-Apr-2008 11:11
It's worth pointing out that if you are using AJAX and need to encode strings that are being sent to a PHP application, you may not need to decode them in PHP.

echo stripslashes(nl2br($_POST['message']));

Will properly output a message sent with the javascript code if the message is encoded:

message = encodeURIComponent(message)

And is sent with an AJAX POST request with the header:
ajaxVar.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
mkaganer at gmail dot com 04-Dec-2007 02:58

I had troubles converting Unicode-encoded data in $_GET (like this: %u05D8%u05D1%u05E2) which is generated by JavaScript's escape() function to UTF8 for server-side processing.

Finally, i've found a simple solution (only 3 lines of code) that does it (at least in my configuration):

function utf8_urldecode($str) {
$str = preg_replace("/%u([0-9a-f]{3,4})/i","&#x\\1;",urldecode($str));

note that documentation for html_entity_decode() states that "Support for multi-byte character sets was added at PHP 5.0.0" so this might not work for PHP 4
Visual 18-May-2006 12:02
If you are escaping strings in javascript and want to decode them in PHP with urldecode (or want PHP to decode them automatically when you're putting them in the query string or post request), you should use the javascript function encodeURIComponent() instead of escape(). Then you won't need any of the fancy custom utf_urldecode functions from the previous comments.
rosty dot kerei at gmail dot com 19-Apr-2006 09:40
This function doesn't decode unicode characters. I wrote a function that does.

function unicode_urldecode($url)
    preg_match_all('/%u([[:alnum:]]{4})/', $url, $a);
    foreach ($a[1] as $uniord)
        $dec = hexdec($uniord);
        $utf = '';
        if ($dec < 128)
            $utf = chr($dec);
        else if ($dec < 2048)
            $utf = chr(192 + (($dec - ($dec % 64)) / 64));
            $utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64));
            $utf = chr(224 + (($dec - ($dec % 4096)) / 4096));
            $utf .= chr(128 + ((($dec % 4096) - ($dec % 64)) / 64));
            $utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64));
        $url = str_replace('%u'.$uniord, $utf, $url);
    return urldecode($url);
spam at soiland dot no 05-Apr-2005 05:45
About reg_var and "html reserved words"

Do not add spaces as the user suggests.

Instead, do what all HTML standards says and encode & in URLs as &amp; in your HTML.

The reason why & works "most of the time" is that browsers are forgiving and just decode the & as the &-sign. This breaks whenever you have a variable that matches an HTML entity, like "gt" or "copy" or whatever. &copy in your URL will be interpreted as &copy;  (the ; is not mandatory in SGML as it is "implied". In XML it is mandatory.).   The result will be the same as if you had inserted the actual character into your source code, for instance by pressing alt-0169 and actually inserted ? in your HTML.

Ie, use:

<a href="?name=stain&amp;fish=knott">mylink</a>

Note that the decoding of &amp; to & is done in the browser, and it's done right after splitting the HTML into tags, attributes and content, but it works both for attributes and content.

This mean you should &entitify all &-s in any other HTML attributes as well, such as in a form with
<input name="fish" value="fish &amp; fries" />.
Matt Johnson 25-Dec-2004 04:49
A reminder: if you are considering using urldecode() on a $_GET variable, DON'T!

Evil PHP:

$term = urldecode($_GET['sterm']);

Good PHP:

= $_GET['sterm'];

The webserver will arrange for $_GET to have been urldecoded once already by the time it reaches you!

Using urldecode() on $_GET can lead to extreme badness, PARTICULARLY when you are assuming "magic quotes" on GET is protecting you against quoting.

Hint: script.php?sterm=%2527 [...]

PHP "receives" this as %27, which your urldecode() will convert to "'" (the singlequote). This may be CATASTROPHIC when injecting into SQL or some PHP functions relying on escaped quotes -- magic quotes rightly cannot detect this and will not protect you!

This "common error" is one of the underlying causes of the Santy.A worm which affects phpBB < 2.0.11.
caribe at flash-brasil dot com dot br 13-Oct-2003 01:55
To allow urldecode to work with Brazilian characters as ? ? ? and other just place this header command :

header('Content-type: text/html; CHARSET=gb2312');
09-Oct-2003 08:17
nataniel, your function needs to be corrected as follows:

function unicode_decode($txt) {
  return ereg_replace('%u([[:alnum:]]{4})', '&#x\1;',$txt);

since some codes does not begin with %u0.
tomas at penajaca dot com dot br 20-Jul-2003 11:14
urldecode does not decode "%0"  bypassing it. I can cause troble when you are working with fixed lenght strings.

You can you the function below.

function my_urldecode($string){

  $array = split ("%",$string);

  if (is_array($array)){
    while (list ($k,$v) = each ($array)){
       $ascii = base_convert ($v,16,10);
       $ret .= chr ($ascii);
 return ("$ret");
regindk at hotmail dot com 23-Apr-2003 06:00
About: bellani at upgrade4 dot it
$str = "pippo.php?param1=&reg_var";
echo rawurldecode($str);
Instead of using a space you should exchange & with the correct W3C &amp;
Like this:
$str = "pippo.php?param1=&amp;reg_var";
echo rawurldecode($str);
bellani at upgrade4 dot it 11-Mar-2003 10:12
If you have a "html reserved word" as variable name (i.e. "reg_var") and you pass it as an argument you will get  a wrong url. i.e.

<a href="pippo.php?param1=&reg_var=">go</a>

you will get a wrong url like this


Simply add a space between "&" and "reg_var" and it will work!

<a href="pippo.php?param1=& reg_var=">go</a>


smolniy at mtu dot ru 07-Feb-2003 02:42
For compatibility of new and old brousers:

%xx -> char
%u0xxxx -> char

function unicode_decode($txt) {
 $txt = ereg_replace('%u0([[:alnum:]]{3})', '&#x\1;',$txt);
 $txt = ereg_replace('%([[:alnum:]]{2})', '&#x\1;',$txt);
 return ($txt);
igjav at cesga dot es 16-May-2002 11:48
This seems to decode correctly between most browsers and charater coding configurations. Specially indicated for direct parsing of URL as it comes on environment variables:

function crossUrlDecode($source) {
    $decodedStr = '';
    $pos = 0;
    $len = strlen($source);

    while ($pos < $len) {
        $charAt = substr ($source, $pos, 1);
        if ($charAt == '?') {
            $char2 = substr($source, $pos, 2);
            $decodedStr .= htmlentities(utf8_decode($char2),ENT_QUOTES,'ISO-8859-1');
            $pos += 2;
        elseif(ord($charAt) > 127) {
            $decodedStr .= "&#".ord($charAt).";";
        elseif($charAt == '%') {
            $hex2 = substr($source, $pos, 2);
            $dechex = chr(hexdec($hex2));
            if($dechex == '?') {
                $pos += 2;
                if(substr($source, $pos, 1) == '%') {
                    $char2a = chr(hexdec(substr($source, $pos, 2)));
                    $decodedStr .= htmlentities(utf8_decode($dechex . $char2a),ENT_QUOTES,'ISO-8859-1');
                else {
                    $decodedStr .= htmlentities(utf8_decode($dechex));
            else {
                $decodedStr .= $dechex;
            $pos += 2;
        else {
            $decodedStr .= $charAt;

    return $decodedStr;

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