

(PHP 4, PHP 5 < 5.2.0, PECL hwapi SVN)

hw_api::lockLocks an object


hw_api::lock ( array $parameter ) : bool

Locks an object for exclusive editing by the user calling this function. The object can be only unlocked by this user or the system user.



The parameter array contains the required element 'objectIdentifier' and the optional parameters 'mode' and 'objectquery'.

'mode' determines how an object is locked. HW_API_LOCK_NORMAL means, an object is locked until it is unlocked. HW_API_LOCK_RECURSIVE is only valid for collection and locks all objects within the collection and possible subcollections. HW_API_LOCK_SESSION means, an object is locked only as long as the session is valid.


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE

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