

(PECL imagick 2.0.0)

Imagick::contrastImageChange the contrast of the image


Imagick::contrastImage ( bool $sharpen ) : bool

Enhances the intensity differences between the lighter and darker elements of the image. Set sharpen to a value other than 0 to increase the image contrast otherwise the contrast is reduced.



The sharpen value


成功时返回 TRUE


错误时抛出 ImagickException。


Example #1 Imagick::contrastImage()

function contrastImage($imagePath$contrastType) {
$imagick = new \Imagick(realpath($imagePath));
    if (
$contrastType != 2) {

header("Content-Type: image/jpg");


User Contributed Notes

removespam dot roland at tannerritchie dot com 12-Feb-2015 07:14
Both xyking and quickshiftin include errors in their comments. xyking's error is in looping through negative numbers. quickshifting is incorrect in stating that 0 *increases* contrast (it does not - it decreases it).

Here is a (tested, working) method to increment or decrement contrast:
class Images {
public function
contrastImage($contrast, $imagePath){

$this->image = new Imagick();

 if (
$contrast > 0){
                for (
$i = 1; $i < $contrast; $i++){
            }else if (
$contrast <= 0) {

                for (
$i = 0; $i > $contrast; $i--) {

quickshiftin at gmail dot com 07-Nov-2014 09:24
xyking's comment is wrong so be careful if you read it. You pass a value of 0 to *increase* the contrast.
xyking 16-Apr-2010 08:14
->contrastImage(1); //Increase contrast once
$image->contrastImage(1); //Increase contrast more
$image->contrastImage(1); //Increase contrast even more

$image->contrastImage(0); //Decrease contrast once
$image->contrastImage(0); //Decrease contrast more
$image->contrastImage(0); //Decrease contrast even more

//This could be made into a function like this:
public function contrast($level) {
$level = (int)$level;
        if (
$level < -10) {
$level = -10;
        } else if (
$level > 10) {
$level = 10;
        if (
$level > 0) {
            for (
$i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) {
        } else if (
$level < 0) {
            for (
$i = $level; $i > 0; $i--) {

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