

(PECL imagick 2.0.0)



Imagick::cropThumbnailImage ( int $width , int $height ) : bool








成功时返回 TRUE


错误时抛出 ImagickException。

User Contributed Notes

sonsandsons at gmail dot com 29-Nov-2011 10:01
It's worth noting that using cropThumbnailImage can appear to give undesired results if you're using .gif image formats. If you are using .gif's, you'll need to compliment this function with a removal of the canvas.


//instantiate the image magick class
$image = new Imagick($image_path);

//crop and resize the image

//remove the canvas
$image->setImagePage(0, 0, 0, 0);

martijn at elicit dot nl 03-Jun-2010 05:57
In my opinion this function is not working as expected, tested for imagemagick version 6.3.7

As described above, the function returns an image with a fixed height and a variable width. Here's a fix that will return a cropped thumbnail with the defined dimensions, without variations in the dimensions.

// define widescreen dimensions
$width = 160;
$height = 90;

// load an image
$i = new Imagick("your image file");
// get the current image dimensions
$geo = $i->getImageGeometry();

// crop the image
if(($geo['width']/$width) < ($geo['height']/$height))
$i->cropImage($geo['width'], floor($height*$geo['width']/$width), 0, (($geo['height']-($height*$geo['width']/$width))/2));
$i->cropImage(ceil($width*$geo['height']/$height), $geo['height'], (($geo['width']-($width*$geo['height']/$height))/2), 0);
// thumbnail the image

// save or show or whatever the image
header("Content-Type: image/png");
benford at bluhelix dot com 11-Jun-2009 02:14
I found a relevant posting complete with demo code at this site:

Sample code goes like this:
/* Read the image */
$im = new imagick( "test.png" );
/* create the thumbnail */
$im->cropThumbnailImage( 80, 80 );
/* Write to a file */
$im->writeImage( "th_80x80_test.png" );

This is a specialization of the cropImage method. At a high level, this method will create a thumbnail of a given image, with the thumbnail sized at ($width, $height).

If the thumbnail does not match the aspect ratio of the source image, this is the method to use. The thumbnail will capture the entire image on the shorter edge of the source image (ie, vertical size on a landscape image). Then the thumbnail will be scaled down to meet your target height, while preserving the aspect ratio. Extra horizontal space that does not fit within the target $width will be cropped off evenly left and right.

As a result, the thumbnail is usually a good representation of the source image.
domenechs1 at yahoo dot es 03-Mar-2008 09:06
$image = new Imagick($path."test1.jpg");

$image->cropThumbnailImage(160,120); // Crop image and thumb


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