

PHP 支持 C,C++ 和 Unix Shell 风格(Perl 风格)的注释。例如:

echo "This is a test"// This is a one-line c++ style comment
    /* This is a multi line comment
       yet another line of comment */
echo "This is yet another test";
'One Final Test'# This is a one-line shell-style comment

单行注释仅仅注释到行末或者当前的 PHP 代码块,视乎哪个首先出现。这意味着在 // ... ?> 或者 # ... ?> 之后的 HTML 代码将被显示出来:?> 跳出了 PHP 模式并返回了 HTML 模式,//# 并不能影响到这一点。如果启用了 asp_tags 配置选项,其行为和 // %># %> 相同。不过,</script> 标记在单行注释中不会跳出 PHP 模式。

<h1>This is an <?php # echo 'simple';?> example</h1>
<p>The header above will say 'This is an  example'.</p>

C 风格的注释在碰到第一个 */ 时结束。要确保不要嵌套 C 风格的注释。试图注释掉一大块代码时很容易出现该错误。

    echo "This is a test"; /* This comment will cause a problem */

User Contributed Notes

J. Prettyman 13-Feb-2014 05:55
Notes can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. They vary, and their uses are completely up to the person writing the code. However, I try to keep things consistent in my code that way it's easy for the next person to read. So something like this might help...



// Sub-Category Smaller Font

/* Title Here Notice the First Letters are Capitalized */

# Option 1
# Option 2
# Option 3

 * This is a detailed explanation
 * of something that should require
 * several paragraphs of information.
// This is a single line quote.
magnesium dot oxide dot play+php at gmail dot com 10-Oct-2013 10:02
It is worth mentioning that, HTML comments have no meaning in PHP parser. So,

<!-- comment
<?php echo some_function(); ?>

WILL execute some_function() and echo result inside HTML comment.
jballard at natoga dot com 15-Dec-2010 02:28
Comments do NOT take up processing power.

So, for all the people who argue that comments are undesired because they take up processing power now have no reason to comment ;)


// Control
echo microtime(), "<br />"; // 0.25163600 1292450508
echo microtime(), "<br />"; // 0.25186000 1292450508

// Test
echo microtime(), "<br />"; // 0.25189700 1292450508
# .. Above comment repeated 18809 times ..
echo microtime(), "<br />"; // 0.25192100 1292450508


They take up about the same amount of time (about meaning on a repeated testing, sometimes the difference between the control and the test was negative and sometimes positive).
Wolfsbay at ya dot ru 12-May-2010 02:10
If you are using editor with code highlight, it's much easier to notice error like /* */ */.
theblazingangel at aol dot com 28-Aug-2007 03:55
it's perhaps not obvious to some, but the following code will cause a parse error! the ?> in //?> is not treated as commented text, this is a result of having to handle code on one line such as <?php echo 'something'; //comment ?>


i discovered this "anomally" when i commented out a line of code containing a regex which itself contained ?>, with the // style comment.
e.g. //preg_match('/^(?>c|b)at$/', 'cat', $matches);
will cause an error while commented! using /**/ style comments provides a solution. i don't know about # style comments, i don't ever personally use them.
fun at nybbles dot com 13-Jul-2006 10:28
a trick I have used in all languages to temporarily block out large sections (usually for test/debug/new-feature purposes), is to set (or define) a var at the top, and use that to conditionally comment the blocks; an added benefit over if(0) (samuli's comment from nov'05) is that u can have several versions or tests running at once, and u dont require cleanup later if u want to keep the blocks in:  just reset the var.

personally, I use this more to conditionally include code for new feature testing, than to block it out,,,, but hey, to each their own :)

this is also the only safe way I know of to easily nest comments in any language, and great for multi-file use, if the conditional variables are placed in an include :)

for example, placed at top of file:

<?php $ver3 = TRUE
$debug2 = FALSE;

and then deeper inside the file:

<?php if ($ver3) {
"This code is included since we are testing version 3");

<?php if ($debug2) {
"This code is 'commented' out");
J Lee 25-May-2006 11:39
MSpreij (8-May-2005) says  /* .. */ overrides // 
Anonymous (26-Jan-2006) says // overrides /* .. */

Actually, both are correct. Once a comment is opened, *everything* is ignored until the end of the comment (or the end of the php block) is reached.

Thus, if a comment is opened with:
   //  then /* and */ are "overridden" until after end-of-line
   /*  then // is "overridden" until after */
hcderaad at wanadoo dot nl 29-Jun-2005 01:51
Comments in PHP can be used for several purposes, a very interesting one being that you can generate API documentation directly from them by using PHPDocumentor (

Therefor one has to use a JavaDoc-like comment syntax (conforms to the DocBook DTD), example:
* The second * here opens the DocBook commentblock, which could later on<br>
* in your development cycle save you a lot of time by preventing you having to rewrite<br>
* major documentation parts to generate some usable form of documentation.
Some basic html-like formatting is supported with this (ie <br> tags) to create something of a layout.
M Spreij 08-May-2005 12:15
A nice way to toggle the commenting of blocks of code can be done by mixing the two comment styles:
if ($foo) {
// */

Now by taking out one / on the first line..

if ($foo) {
  echo $bar;
// */
..the block is suddenly commented out.
This works because a /* .. */ overrides //. You can even "flip" two blocks, like this:
if ($foo) {
if ($bar) {
  echo $foo;
// */
if ($foo) {
  echo $bar;
if ($bar) {
// */
Steve 15-Dec-2004 04:41
Be careful when commenting out regular expressions.

E.g. the following causes a parser error.

I do prefer using # as regexp delimiter anyway so it won't hurt me ;-)






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