

当 unset 一个引用,只是断开了变量名和变量内容之间的绑定。这并不意味着变量内容被销毁了。例如:

$b =& $a;
不会 unset $b,只是 $a

再拿这个和 Unix 的 unlink 调用来类比一下可能有助于理解。

User Contributed Notes

ojars26 at NOSPAM dot inbox dot lv 03-May-2008 07:41
Simple look how PHP Reference works
/* Imagine this is memory map
|pointer | value | variable              |
|   1     |  NULL  |         ---           |
|   2     |  NULL  |         ---           |
|   3     |  NULL  |         ---           |
|   4     |  NULL  |         ---           |
|   5     |  NULL  |         ---           |
Create some variables   */
$c=array ('one'=>array (1, 2, 3));
/* Look at memory
|pointer | value |       variable's       |
|   1     |  10     |       $a               |
|   2     |  20     |       $b               |
|   3     |  1       |      $c['one'][0]   |
|   4     |  2       |      $c['one'][1]   |
|   5     |  3       |      $c['one'][2]   |
do  */
/* Look at memory
|pointer | value |       variable's       |
|   1     |  NULL  |       ---              |  //value of  $a is destroyed and pointer is free
|   2     |  20     |       $b               |
|   3     |  1       |      $c['one'][0]   |
|   4     |  2       |      $c['one'][1]   |
|   5     |  3       |  $c['one'][2]  ,$a | // $a is now here
do  */
$b=&$a// or  $b=&$c['one'][2]; result is same as both "$c['one'][2]" and "$a" is at same pointer.
/* Look at memory
|pointer | value |       variable's           |
|   1     |  NULL  |       ---                  | 
|   2     |  NULL  |       ---                  |  //value of  $b is destroyed and pointer is free
|   3     |  1       |      $c['one'][0]       |
|   4     |  2       |      $c['one'][1]       |
|   5     |  3       |$c['one'][2]  ,$a , $b |  // $b is now here
next do */
/* Look at memory
|pointer | value |       variable's           |
|   1     |  NULL  |       ---                  | 
|   2     |  NULL  |       ---                  | 
|   3     |  1       |      $c['one'][0]       |
|   4     |  2       |      $c['one'][1]       |
|   5     |  3       |      $a , $b              | // $c['one'][2]  is  destroyed not in memory, not in array
next do   */
$c['one'][2]=500;    //now it is in array
/* Look at memory
|pointer | value |       variable's           |
|   1     |  500    |      $c['one'][2]       |  //created it lands on any(next) free pointer in memory
|   2     |  NULL  |       ---                  | 
|   3     |  1       |      $c['one'][0]       |
|   4     |  2       |      $c['one'][1]       |
|   5     |  3       |      $a , $b              | //this pointer is in use
lets tray to return $c['one'][2] at old pointer an remove reference $a,$b.  */
/* look at memory
|pointer | value |       variable's           |
|   1     |  NULL  |       ---                  | 
|   2     |  NULL  |       ---                  | 
|   3     |  1       |      $c['one'][0]       |
|   4     |  2       |      $c['one'][1]       |
|   5     |  3       |      $c['one'][2]       | //$c['one'][2] is returned, $a,$b is destroyed
--------------------------------------- ?>
I hope this helps.
sony-santos at bol dot com dot br 05-Feb-2007 03:56
//if you do:

$a = "hihaha";
$b = &$a;
$c = "eita";
$b = $c;
$a; // shows "eita"

$a = "hihaha";
$b = &$a;
$c = "eita";
$b = &$c;
$a; // shows "hihaha"

$a = "hihaha";
$b = &$a;
$b = null;
$a; // shows nothing (both are set to null)

$a = "hihaha";
$b = &$a;
$a; // shows "hihaha"

$a = "hihaha";
$b = &$a;
$c = "eita";
$a = $c;
$b; // shows "eita"

$a = "hihaha";
$b = &$a;
$c = "eita";
$a = &$c;
$b; // shows "hihaha"

$a = "hihaha";
$b = &$a;
$a = null;
$b; // shows nothing (both are set to null)

$a = "hihaha";
$b = &$a;
$b; // shows "hihaha"

I tested each case individually on PHP 4.3.10.
lazer_erazer 05-Sep-2006 04:02
Your idea about unsetting all referenced variables at once is right,
just a tiny note that you changed NULL with unset()...
again, unset affects only one name and NULL affects the data,
which is kept by all the three names...

= 1;
$b =& $a;
$b = NULL;

This does also work!

= 1;
$b =& $a;
$c =& $b;
$b = NULL;
donny at semeleer dot nl 13-Jul-2006 07:10
Here's an example of unsetting a reference without losing an ealier set reference

= 'Bob';              // Assign the value 'Bob' to $foo
$bar = &$foo;              // Reference $foo via $bar.
$bar = "My name is $bar"// Alter $bar...
echo $bar;
$foo;                 // $foo is altered too.
$foo = "I am Frank";       // Alter $foo and $bar because of the reference
echo $bar;                 // output: I am Frank
echo $foo;                 // output: I am Frank

$foobar = &$bar;           // create a new reference between $foobar and $bar
$foobar = "hello $foobar"; // alter $foobar and with that $bar and $foo
echo $foobar;              //output : hello I am Frank
unset($bar);               // unset $bar and destroy the reference
$bar = "dude!";            // assign $bar
/* even though the reference between $bar and $foo is destroyed, and also the
reference between $bar and $foobar is destroyed, there is still a reference
between $foo and $foobar. */
echo $foo;                 // output : hello I am Frank
echo $bar;                 // output : due!
libi 24-Jan-2006 12:20
clerca at inp-net dot eu dot org
If you have a lot of references linked to the same contents, maybe it could be useful to do this :
= 1;
$b = & $a;
$c = & $b; // $a, $b, $c reference the same content '1'

$b = NULL; // All variables $a, $b or $c are unset



NULL will not result in unseting the variables.
Its only change the value to "null" for all the variables.
becouse they all points to the same "part" in the memory.

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