

(PECL mongo >=1.1.0)

Mongo::getSlaveReturns the address being used by this for slaveOkay reads


public Mongo::getSlave ( void ) : string

This finds the address of the secondary currently being used for reads. It is a read-only method: it does not change anything about the internal state of the object.

When you create a connection to the database, the driver will not immediately decide on a secondary to use. Thus, after you connect, this function will return NULL even if there are secondaries available. When you first do a query with slaveOkay set, at that point the driver will choose a secondary for this connection. At that point, this function will return the chosen secondary.

See the query section of this manual for information on distributing reads to secondaries.




The address of the secondary this connection is using for reads.

This returns NULL if this is not connected to a replica set or not yet initialized.


Issues E_DEPRECATED warning

The returned results aren't really useful as the secondary selection process is done on each query and database command execution.


版本 说明
1.2.11 Emits E_DEPRECATED when used.


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