In reply to daniel at danielphenry dot com example note beneath. The given example by Daniel returns false under PHP7.x, which is a normal behavior since NumberFormatter::parseCurrency() is a method for parsing currency strings. It is trying to split up the given string in a float and a currency.
While using strict types under PHP7 the following example makes it more clearer.
namespace MMNewmedia;
$oParser = new \NumberFormatter('de_DE', \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
var_dump($oParser->parseCurrency("1.234.567,89\xc2\xa0?, $currency), $currency));
This example returns: "float(1234567.89) string(3) "EUR"
This is the expected behavior.
The following example runs into a type error, which is absolutely right, since this method is vor parsing strings and not vor formatting floats into currency strings.
namespace MMNewmedia;
try {
$oCurrencyParser = new \NumberFormatter('de_DE', \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
$currency = 'EUR';
var_dump($oCurrencyParser->parseCurrency(1.234, $currency), $currency);
} catch (\TypeError $oTypeError) {
This example returns "NumberFormatter::parseCurrency() expects parameter 1 to be string, float given".
If you want to parse floats into a currency string use the method as shown in the next example.
namespace MMNewmedia;
$oFormatter = new \NumberFormatter('de_DE', \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
var_dump($oFormatter->formatCurrency(1234567.89, 'EUR'));
This returns string(17) "1.234.567,89 ? as expected.