A hint for those of you who are trying to fight off (or work around at least) the problem of matching a pattern correctly at the end ($) of any line in multiple lines mode (/m).
$str="ABC ABC\n\n123 123\r\ndef def\rnop nop\r\n890 890\nQRS QRS\r\r~-_ ~-_";
$pat1='/\w$/mi'; $pat2='/\w\r?$/mi';
$pat3='/\w\R?$/mi'; $pat4='/\w\v?$/mi';
$pat5='/(*ANYCRLF)\w$/mi'; $n=preg_match_all($pat1, $str, $m1);
$o=preg_match_all($pat2, $str, $m2);
$p=preg_match_all($pat3, $str, $m3);
$r=preg_match_all($pat4, $str, $m4);
$s=preg_match_all($pat5, $str, $m5);
echo $str."\n1 !!! $pat1 ($n): ".print_r($m1[0], true)
."\n2 !!! $pat2 ($o): ".print_r($m2[0], true)
."\n3 !!! $pat3 ($p): ".print_r($m3[0], true)
."\n4 !!! $pat4 ($r): ".print_r($m4[0], true)
."\n5 !!! $pat5 ($s): ".print_r($m5[0], true);
Unfortunately, I haven't got any access to a server with the latest PHP version - my local PHP is 5.3.8 and my public host's PHP is version 5.2.17.