Hi there
This was originally made by someone eles but it didn't work correctly and so I remade it and as far as I know it works right.
function strip_selected_tags($str, $tags = "", $stripContent = false)
preg_match_all("/<([^>]+)>/i", $tags, $allTags, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$replace = "%(<$tag.*?>)(.*?)(<\/$tag.*?>)%is";
foreach ($allTags[1] as $tag) {
if ($stripContent) {
$str = preg_replace($replace,'',$str);
$str = preg_replace($replace,'${2}',$str);
return $str;
Before I 'fixed' it, when running
strip_selected_tags("this is <p align=\"center\">a test</p> and <b>this is bold</b>","<p><b>")
You would get back
"this is <p align=\"center\">a test</p> and this is bold"
Why? Because it did not take into account that there could be options etc in the HTML Tag.
My one works perfectly when stripping just the tags or the tag and its contents too!
So now when you run
strip_selected_tags("this is <p align=\"center\">a test</p> and <b>this is bold</b>","<p><b>")
You get back
"this is a test and this is bold"
Or when running
strip_selected_tags("this is <p align=\"center\">a test</p> and <b>this is bold</b>","<p><b>",true)
You get back
"this is and "
Hope it helps someone :)