

(PECL sphinx >= 1.0.3)

SphinxClient::statusQueries searchd status


public SphinxClient::status ( void ) : array

Queries searchd status, and returns an array of status variable name and value pairs.




PECL/sphinx 版本 说明
1.0.3 Added SphinxClient::status(), available only if compiled with libsphinxclient >= 0.9.9.


Returns an associative array of search server statistics 或者在失败时返回 FALSE.

User Contributed Notes

orlov0562 at gmail dot com 08-Aug-2016 01:29
Returned array contains next fields (Sphinx 2.2.11)
print_r(array_map(function($in){return $in[0].' = '.$in[1];}, $sphinx->status()));
    [0] => uptime = 10540
    [1] => connections = 35
    [2] => maxed_out = 0
    [3] => command_search = 21
    [4] => command_excerpt = 10
    [5] => command_update = 0
    [6] => command_delete = 0
    [7] => command_keywords = 0
    [8] => command_persist = 0
    [9] => command_status = 4
    [10] => command_flushattrs = 0
    [11] => agent_connect = 0
    [12] => agent_retry = 0
    [13] => queries = 21
    [14] => dist_queries = 0
    [15] => query_wall = 0.009
    [16] => query_cpu = OFF
    [17] => dist_wall = 0.000
    [18] => dist_local = 0.000
    [19] => dist_wait = 0.000
    [20] => query_reads = OFF
    [21] => query_readkb = OFF
    [22] => query_readtime = OFF
    [23] => avg_query_wall = 0.000
    [24] => avg_query_cpu = OFF
    [25] => avg_dist_wall = 0.000
    [26] => avg_dist_local = 0.000
    [27] => avg_dist_wait = 0.000
    [28] => avg_query_reads = OFF
    [29] => avg_query_readkb = OFF
    [30] => avg_query_readtime = OFF

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