

这些函数的行为受 php.ini 中的设置影响。

The following table lists the configuration options available in the SQLSRV extension. For more information about these options, see » Handling SQLSRV Warnings and Errors.

名字 默认 可修改范围 Changelog
sqlsrv.WarningsReturnAsErrors 1 (TRUE) PHP_INI_ALL Available since SQLSRV 1.0
sqlsrv.LogSubsystems 0 PHP_INI_ALL Available since SQLSRV 1.0
sqlsrv.LogSeverity 1 PHP_INI_ALL Available since SQLSRV 1.0

User Contributed Notes

robert dot urbanski2 at gmail dot com 02-Nov-2016 12:43
Do not omitt these parameters
client_buffer_max_kb_size = '50240'
sqlsrv.ClientBufferMaxKBSize = 50240

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