I have done some testing and have found 2 results:
(My System: Win XP with PHP 5.2.1)
1) Iteration with foreach does function correctly as "james dot j dot hackett at gmail dot com" writes, _if_ you only do readonly stuff with foreach or minor writings of some attributes.
2) foreach does not function, if you are doing some DOM-Operations while iterating. In my situation it was adding the iterated $node as an child to an new node:
$newNode = $dom->createElement('newNode') ;
foreach ($nodeList as $node) {
echo $node->nodeValue ;
$newNode->appendChild($node) ;
This only gives you the first element ...
I'm interpreting it as an confusing but correct behavior because of the changes within the $dom-object while appending the node at an additional place ...
So, if you want to do something like 2) use for, length and item() :)