I hope it will be helpful for someone:
I spent some time to solve the problem when you query a string with quotes inside.
Suppose you have:
$parameter = "aaa \"bbb\"";
In versions > 5.3.0 there is registerPhpFunctions where you can put an addslashes. But in older version you cannot do it in simple way.
So the solution is to use a concat function. So when you have a substring with " inside, wrap it with '. And when you have a substring with ', then wrap with in ".
The code is:
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->loadXML("<name>'bla' \"bla\" bla</name>");
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$nodeList = $xpath->query("//name[text()=concat(\"'bla' \" ,'\"bla\"' ,\" bla\")]");
Below is the function that receives a string and returns a concat pattern for the xpath query.
function getPattern_MQ($pattern) {
$ar = array();
$offset = 0;
$strlen = strlen($pattern);
while (true) {
$qPos = strpos($pattern, "\"", $offset);
if (!$qPos) {
$leftOver = $offset - $strlen;
if ($leftOver < 0) {
$string = substr($pattern, $leftOver);
$ar[] = "\"" . $string . "\"";
$ar[] = "\"" . substr($pattern, $offset, ($qPos - $offset)) . "\"";
$ar[] = "'" . substr($pattern, $qPos, 1) . "'";
$offset = $qPos + 1;
$pattern = "concat(''," . join(",", $dynamicPatternsAr) . ")";
return $pattern;