This is a light-weight drop-in replacement for PHP's hash_pbkdf2(); written for compatibility with older versions of PHP.
Written, formatted and tested by myself, but using code and ideas based on the following:
My main goals:
1) Maximum compatibility with PHP hash_pbkdf2(), ie. a drop-in replacement function
2) Minimum code size/bloat
3) Easy to copy/paste
4) No classes, and not encapsulated in a class! Why write a class when a simple function will do?
5) Eliminate calls to sprintf(). (used by other examples for the error reporting)
6) No other dependencies, ie. extra required functions
if (!function_exists('hash_pbkdf2'))
function hash_pbkdf2($algo, $password, $salt, $count, $length = 0, $raw_output = false)
if (!in_array(strtolower($algo), hash_algos())) trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '(): Unknown hashing algorithm: ' . $algo, E_USER_WARNING);
if (!is_numeric($count)) trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '(): expects parameter 4 to be long, ' . gettype($count) . ' given', E_USER_WARNING);
if (!is_numeric($length)) trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '(): expects parameter 5 to be long, ' . gettype($length) . ' given', E_USER_WARNING);
if ($count <= 0) trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '(): Iterations must be a positive integer: ' . $count, E_USER_WARNING);
if ($length < 0) trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '(): Length must be greater than or equal to 0: ' . $length, E_USER_WARNING);
$output = '';
$block_count = $length ? ceil($length / strlen(hash($algo, '', $raw_output))) : 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $block_count; $i++)
$last = $xorsum = hash_hmac($algo, $salt . pack('N', $i), $password, true);
for ($j = 1; $j < $count; $j++)
$xorsum ^= ($last = hash_hmac($algo, $last, $password, true));
$output .= $xorsum;
if (!$raw_output) $output = bin2hex($output);
return $length ? substr($output, 0, $length) : $output;