

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

htmlspecialchars将特殊字符转换为 HTML 实体


htmlspecialchars ( string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get("default_charset") [, bool $double_encode = TRUE ]]] ) : string

某类字符在 HTML 中有特殊用处,如需保持原意,需要用 HTML 实体来表达。 本函数会返回字符转义后的表达。 如需转换子字符串中所有关联的名称实体,使用 htmlentities() 代替本函数。

如果传入字符的字符编码和最终的文档是一致的,则用函数处理的输入适合绝大多数 HTML 文档环境。 然而,如果输入的字符编码和最终包含字符的文档是不一样的, 想要保留字符(以数字或名称实体的形式),本函数以及 htmlentities() (仅编码名称实体对应的子字符串)可能不够用。 这种情况可以使用 mb_encode_numericentity() 代替。

字符 替换后
& (& 符号) &
" (双引号) ",除非设置了 ENT_NOQUOTES
' (单引号) 设置了 ENT_QUOTES 后, ' (如果是 ENT_HTML401) ,或者 ' (如果是 ENT_XML1ENT_XHTMLENT_HTML5)。
< (小于) &lt;
> (大于) &gt;



待转换的 string


位掩码,由以下某个或多个标记组成,设置转义处理细节、无效单元序列、文档类型。 默认是 ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401

有效的 flags 常量
常量名称 描述
ENT_COMPAT 会转换双引号,不转换单引号。
ENT_QUOTES 既转换双引号也转换单引号。
ENT_NOQUOTES 单/双引号都不转换
ENT_IGNORE 静默丢弃无效的代码单元序列,而不是返回空字符串。 不建议使用此标记, 因为它» 可能有安全影响
ENT_SUBSTITUTE 替换无效的代码单元序列为 Unicode 代替符(Replacement Character), U+FFFD (UTF-8) 或者 &#xFFFD; (其他),而不是返回空字符串。
ENT_DISALLOWED 为文档的无效代码点替换为 Unicode 代替符(Replacement Character): U+FFFD (UTF-8),或 &#xFFFD;(其他),而不是把它们留在原处。 比如以下情况下就很有用:要保证 XML 文档嵌入额外内容时格式合法。
ENT_HTML401 以 HTML 4.01 处理代码。
ENT_XML1 以 XML 1 处理代码。
ENT_HTML5 以 HTML 5 处理代码。


An optional argument defining the encoding used when converting characters.

If omitted, the default value of the encoding varies depending on the PHP version in use. In PHP 5.6 and later, the default_charset configuration option is used as the default value. PHP 5.4 and 5.5 will use UTF-8 as the default. Earlier versions of PHP use ISO-8859-1.

Although this argument is technically optional, you are highly encouraged to specify the correct value for your code if you are using PHP 5.5 or earlier, or if your default_charset configuration option may be set incorrectly for the given input.

本函数使用效果上,如果 string 对以下字符编码是有效的, ISO-8859-1ISO-8859-15UTF-8cp866cp1251cp1252KOI8-R 将具有相同的效果。 也就是说,在这些编码里, 受 htmlspecialchars() 影响的字符会占据相同的位置。


字符集 别名 描述
ISO-8859-1 ISO8859-1 西欧,Latin-1
ISO-8859-5 ISO8859-5 Little used cyrillic charset (Latin/Cyrillic).
ISO-8859-15 ISO8859-15 西欧,Latin-9。增加欧元符号,法语和芬兰语字母在 Latin-1(ISO-8859-1) 中缺失。
UTF-8   ASCII 兼容的多字节 8 位 Unicode。
cp866 ibm866, 866 DOS 特有的西里尔编码。本字符集在 4.3.2 版本中得到支持。
cp1251 Windows-1251, win-1251, 1251 Windows 特有的西里尔编码。本字符集在 4.3.2 版本中得到支持。
cp1252 Windows-1252, 1252 Windows 特有的西欧编码。
KOI8-R koi8-ru, koi8r 俄语。本字符集在 4.3.2 版本中得到支持。
BIG5 950 繁体中文,主要用于中国台湾省。
GB2312 936 简体中文,中国国家标准字符集。
BIG5-HKSCS   繁体中文,附带香港扩展的 Big5 字符集。
Shift_JIS SJIS, 932 日语
MacRoman   Mac OS 使用的字符串。
''   An empty string activates detection from script encoding (Zend multibyte), default_charset and current locale (see nl_langinfo() and setlocale()), in this order. Not recommended.

Note: 其他字符集没有认可。将会使用默认编码并抛出异常。


关闭 double_encode 时,PHP 不会转换现有的 HTML 实体, 默认是全部转换。


转换后的 string

如果指定的编码 encoding 里, string 包含了无效的代码单元序列, 没有设置 ENT_IGNORE 或者 ENT_SUBSTITUTE 标记的情况下,会返回空字符串。


版本 说明
5.6.0 The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to be the value of the default_charset configuration option.
5.4.0 encoding 参数的默认值改成 UTF-8。
5.3.0 增加常量 ENT_IGNORE
5.2.3 增加参数 double_encode


Example #1 htmlspecialchars() 例子

htmlspecialchars("<a href='test'>Test</a>"ENT_QUOTES);
$new// &lt;a href=&#039;test&#039;&gt;Test&lt;/a&gt;



注意,本函数不会转换以上列表以外的实体。 完整转换请参见 htmlentities()


如果 flags 的设置模糊易混淆,将遵循以下规则:



User Contributed Notes

qshing1437 at hotmail dot com 22-Jul-2019 05:11
If you use htmlspecialchars() to escape any HTML attribute, make sure use double quote instead of single quote for the attribute.

For Example,

> Wrap with Single Quote
echo "<p title='"  . htmlspecialchars("Hello\"s\'world") . "'">

// title will end up Hello"s\ and rest of the text after single quote will be cut off.

> Wrap with Double quote :
echo '<p title="'  . htmlspecialchars("Hello\"s\'world") . '"'>

// title will show up correctly as Hello"s'world
chris at ocproducts dot com 10-Apr-2017 01:09
This function throws a warning on bad input even if ENT_SUBSTITUTE is set, so be prepared for this.
cj3 at clifjackson dot net 22-Feb-2017 10:15
A nuanced quirk of this family of functions:
My understanding is that anything that is not in the translation table is considered invalid.
Consider this scenario:


= ' '// a UTF-8 non-breaking space (on Mac OS X press option + space bar, or \xc2\xa0 or \u00A0 )
$localeString = 'cs_CZ';
$oldLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, '0');
$setLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $localeString);
$localeInfo = localeconv();

decimal_point] => ,
thousands_sep] => ?
int_curr_symbol] => CZK
[currency_symbol] => K?
mon_decimal_point] => ,
mon_thousands_sep] => ?
positive_sign] =>
negative_sign] => -
int_frac_digits] => 2
[frac_digits] => 2
[p_cs_precedes] => 0
[p_sep_by_space] => 1
[n_cs_precedes] => 0
[n_sep_by_space] => 1
[p_sign_posn] => 1
[n_sign_posn] => 1
[grouping] => Array
0] => 3
[1] => 3

mon_grouping] => Array
0] => 3
[1] => 3

We're concerned with all of the '?' in the above array. This is actually the UTF-8 non-breaking space that gets blitzed when you pass it through these functions. You get an empty string back indicating an invalid code point.

I think it's odd that this is not converted in to the HTML entity equivalent &nbsp;.

So I had to do it manually with:

= preg_replace('/[\xc2\xa0]+', '&nbsp;', $input);
PoV 17-May-2015 11:59
Be aware of the encoding of your source files!!!

Some of the suggestions here make reference to workarounds where you hard-code an encoding.

echo htmlspecialchars('<b>W?rmann</b>');  // Why isn't this working?

As it turns out, it may actually be your text editor that is to blame.

As of PHP 5.4, htmlspecialchars now defaults to the UTF-8 encoding. That said, many text editors default to non-UTF encodings like ISO-8859-1 (i.e. Latin-1) or WIN-1252. If you change the encoding of the file to UTF-8, the code above will now work (i.e. the ? is encoded differently in UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1, and you need the UTF-8 version).

Make sure you are editing in UTF-8 Unicode mode! Check your UI or manual for how to convert files to Unicode. It's also a good idea to figure out where to look in your UI to see what the current file encoding is.
Albert 16-Apr-2015 02:30
The code I posted this morning (for giving back to htmlspecialchars etc. the old default ISO encoding) had some strange problem, didn't work if a page was reloaded! Here the code I came up with, without this problem:

if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.3", ">")) {
runkit_function_copy('htmlspecialchars', 'htmlspecialchars_new');
'$string, $flags, $encoding',
'return $encoding == "" ? htmlspecialchars_new($string, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "ISO-8859-1") : htmlspecialchars_new($string, $flags, $encoding);'

runkit_function_copy('htmlentities', 'htmlentities_new');
'$string, $flags, $encoding',
'return $encoding == "" ? htmlentities_new($string, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "ISO-8859-1") : htmlentities_new($string, $flags, $encoding);'

runkit_function_copy('html_entity_decode', 'html_entity_decode_new');
'$string, $flags, $encoding',
'return $encoding == "" ? html_entity_decode_new($string, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "ISO-8859-1") : html_entity_decode_new($string, $flags, $encoding);'

So first I copy the original function, then I redefine the same.
Albert 16-Apr-2015 10:21
I found a simple solution for the changed default character encoding in htmlspecialchars, htmlentities and html_entity_decode, so my (very) old code kept running:

if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.3", ">")) {
runkit_function_rename('htmlspecialchars', 'htmlspecialchars_new');
'$string, $flags, $encoding',
'return $encoding == "" ? htmlspecialchars_new($string, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "ISO-8859-1") : htmlspecialchars_new($string, $flags, $encoding);'

runkit_function_rename('htmlentities', 'htmlentities_new');
'$string, $flags, $encoding',
'return $encoding == "" ? htmlentities_new($string, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "ISO-8859-1") : htmlentities_new($string, $flags, $encoding);'

runkit_function_rename('html_entity_decode', 'html_entity_decode_new');
'$string, $flags, $encoding',
'return $encoding == "" ? html_entity_decode_new($string, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "ISO-8859-1") : html_entity_decode_new($string, $flags, $encoding);'
sascham78 at php dot net 01-Oct-2014 08:57
If you are using UTF-8 encoding with htmlspecialchars() you may experience blank values with certain language-specific characters i.e. spanish or portuguese "a?á".
So instead of using
= htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
= utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES));
?> 29-Jan-2014 04:32
To show result in comment it should be:

= htmlspecialchars("<a href='test'>Test</a>", ENT_QUOTES);
htmlspecialchars($new); // &lt;a href=&#039;test&#039;&gt;Test&lt;/a&gt;

Felix D. 09-Jan-2014 11:00
Another thing important to mention is that
returnes an empty string and not NULL!
support at playnext dot ru 03-Oct-2013 08:31
For those having problems after the change of default value of $encoding argument to UTF-8 since PHP 5.4.

If your old non-UTF8 projects ruined - pls consider:

The idea - you override the built-in htmlspecialchars() function with your customized variant which is able to respect non UTF-8 default encoding. This small piece of code can be then easily inserted somewhere at the start of yout project. No need to rewrite all htmlspecialchars() entries globally.

I've spent several hours with both approaches. Variant 1 looks good especaially in combination with as it allows to call original htmlspecialchars() with just altered default args. The code could be as follows:

('htmlspecialchars', 'renamed_htmlspecialchars');
overriden_htmlspecialchars($string, $flags=NULL, $encoding='cp1251', $double_encode=true) {
$flags = $flags ? $flags : (ENT_COMPAT|ENT_HTML401);
renamed_htmlspecialchars($string, $flags, $encoding, $double_encode);
override_function('htmlspecialchars', '$string, $flags, $encoding, $double_encode', 'return overriden_htmlspecialchars($string, $flags, $encoding, $double_encode);');

Unfortunatelly this didn't work for me properly - my site managed to call overriden function but not every time I reloaded the pages. Moreover other PHP sites crashed under my Apache server as they suddenly started blaming htmlspecialchars() was not defined. I suppose I had to spend more time to make it work thread/request/site/whatever-safe.

So I switched to runkit (variant 2). It worked for me, although even after trying runkit_function_rename()+runkit_function_add() I didn't managed to recall original htmlspecialchars() function. So as a quick solution I decided to call htmlentities() instead:

function overriden_htmlspecialchars($string, $flags=NULL, $encoding='UTF-8', $double_encode=true) {
$flags = $flags ? $flags : (ENT_COMPAT|ENT_HTML401);
$encoding = $encoding ? $encoding : 'cp1251';
htmlentities($string, $flags, $encoding, $double_encode);
runkit_function_redefine('htmlspecialchars', '$string, $flags, $encoding, $double_encode', 'return overriden_htmlspecialchars($string, $flags, $encoding, $double_encode);');

You may be able to implement your more powerfull overriden function.
Good luck!
Dave 20-Jun-2013 11:59
As of PHP 5.4 they changed default encoding from "ISO-8859-1" to "UTF-8". So if you get null from htmlspecialchars or htmlentities

where you have only set
echo htmlspecialchars($string);

you can fix it by
echo htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT,'ISO-8859-1', true);
htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT,'ISO-8859-1', true);

On linux you can find the scripts you need to fix by

grep -Rl "htmlspecialchars\\|htmlentities" /path/to/php/scripts/
minder at ufive dot unibe dot ch 19-May-2013 01:06

In many PHP legacy products the function htmlspecialchars($string) is used to convert characters like < and > and quotes a.s.o to HTML-entities. That avoids the interpretation of HTML Tags and asymmetric quote situations.

Since PHP 5.4 for $string in htmlspecialchars($string) utf8 characters are expected if no charset is defined explicitly as third parameter in the function. Legacy products are mostly in Latin1 (alias iso-8859-1) what makes the functions htmlspecialchars(), htmlentites() and html_entity_decode() to return empty strings if a special character, e. g. a German Umlaut, is present in $string:


echo htmlspecialchars('<b>Woermann</b>') //Output: &lt;b&gt;Woermann&lt;b&gt;
echo htmlspecialchars('W?rmann') //Output: &lt;b&gt;W?rmann&lt;b&gt;


echo htmlspecialchars('<b>Woermann</b>') //Output: &lt;b&gt;Woermann&lt;b&gt;
echo htmlspecialchars('<b>W?rmann</b>') //Output: empty

Three alternative solutions

a) Not runnig legacy products on PHP 5.4
b) Change all find spots in your code from
htmlspecialchars($string) and *** to
htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'ISO-8859-1')
c) Replace all htmlspecialchars() and *** with a new self-made function

*** The same is true for htmlentities() and html_entity_decode();

Solution c

1 Make Search and Replace in the concerned legacy project:
Search for:        htmlspecialchars
Replace with:   htmlXspecialchars
Search for:        htmlentities
Replace with:   htmlXentities
Search for:        html_entity_decode
Replace with:   htmlX_entity_decode
2a Copy and paste the following three functions into an existing already everywhere included PHP-file in your legacy project. (of course that PHP-file must be included only once per request, otherwise you will get a Redeclare Function Fatal Error).

function htmlXspecialchars($string, $ent=ENT_COMPAT, $charset='ISO-8859-1') {
return htmlspecialchars($string, $ent, $charset);

function htmlXentities($string, $ent=ENT_COMPAT, $charset='ISO-8859-1') {
return htmlentities($string, $ent, $charset);

function htmlX_entity_decode($string, $ent=ENT_COMPAT, $charset='ISO-8859-1') {
return html_entity_decode($string, $ent, $charset);

or 2b crate a new PHP-file containing the three functions mentioned above, let's say, z. B. and include it on the first line of every PHP-file in your legacy product like this: require_once('').
Mike Robinson 14-Mar-2013 12:46
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, the PHP devs did not provide ANY way to set the default encoding used by htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities(), even though they changed the default encoding in PHP 5.4 (*golf clap for PHP devs*). To save someone the time of trying it, this does not work:

('default_charset', $charset); // doesn't work.

Unfortunately, the only way to not have to explicitly provide the second and third parameter every single time this function is called (which gets extremely tedious) is to write your own function as a wrapper:

('CHARSET', 'ISO-8859-1');

html($string) {
htmlspecialchars($string, REPLACE_FLAGS, CHARSET);

html("?"); // works

You can do the same for htmlentities()
strange dot alex at gmail dot com 07-Mar-2013 05:24
> For the purposes of this function, the encodings ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, UTF-8, cp866, cp1251, cp1252, and KOI8-R are effectively equivalent, provided the string itself is valid for the encoding, as the characters affected by htmlspecialchars() occupy the same positions in all of these encodings.

This is not true, actually!
$txt = "Russian text in KOI8-r<br>"; // type here realy russian text in koi8-r !

htmlspecialchars($txt,null,'KOI8-R') = Russian text in KOI8-r<br>
htmlspecialchars($txt,null,'UTF-8') =
 Result is EMPTY !!!
odegroot+php at gmail dot com 18-Jun-2012 09:57
This function can be used to escape single quotes only, and not double quotes, by calling it as follows.

<?php $escaped_string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES & ~ENT_COMPAT, $encoding); ?>

This works because single/double quote escaping actually each have their own flag.

#define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_NONE         0
#define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE       1
#define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_DOUBLE       2


Snippet from: php-src/ext/standard/html.h
steve at mcdragonsoftware dot com 17-Oct-2011 09:13
I am working with xml and zip functions to create an xlsx document from a template. Just as I thought I had it finished it stopped working. After a bit of hunting I discovered my zip file began with php notices about undefined constant. I have no idea why my installation can't remember what ENT_XML1 is, it used to know it (or so I thought)

To save anyone else this headache I recommend adding the code at the top of your scripts to verify that these constants are registered. Something like:

defined( "ENT_XML1") or define( "ENT_XML1",        16    );

for each constant you use. Again, I don't know why this problem suddenly came up, but better safe than "Excel cannot open the file....... format... extension... corrupted... blah blah blah".

cheers :)

here's a list of the constant values (since they are not on this page) as taken from html.h for php5

#define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_NONE            0
#define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE           1
#define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_DOUBLE                2
#define ENT_HTML_IGNORE_ERRORS        4
#define ENT_HTML_DOC_TYPE_MASK        (16|32)
#define ENT_HTML_DOC_HTML401           0
#define ENT_HTML_DOC_XML1            16
#define ENT_HTML_DOC_XHTML            32
#define ENT_HTML_DOC_HTML5            (16|32)
/* reserve bit 6 */

#define ENT_HTML401        0
#define ENT_XML1        16
#define ENT_XHTML        32
#define ENT_HTML5        (16|32)
#define ENT_DISALLOWED    128
ivan at lutrov dot com 15-Jun-2011 01:30
Be careful, the "charset" argument IS case sensitive. This is counter-intuitive and serves no practical purpose because the HTML spec actually has the opposite.
info at 8th dot at 12-May-2011 11:28
I'd found THE Final Solution!
it finds and replaces all unknown letters!
(like ?, ?, ü, ?, and much much more)

it turn em in a HTML AND XML compatible format

parameter: $text: a String with unsuported letters in it
return: a String where all unsupported(XML und HTML) letters are changed into the Unicode value (for example &#196;)

Ich hab die perfekte L?sung gefunden!
Es findet und tauscht alle unbekannten Buchstaben!
(wie ?, ?, ü, ?, und viel viel mehr)

es tauscht sie in ein HTML und XML kompatibles Format

parameter: $text: ein String mit nichtunterstüzten Buchstaben
return: ein String wo alle von XML und HTML ununterstützten Buchstaben ins Unicode-Format getauscht sind (z.B. &#196;)


function umlaute($text){
$teil=hexdec(rawurlencode(substr($text, $i, 1)));
$returnvalue.=substr($text, $i, 1);
pinkgothic at gmail dot com 11-Mar-2011 05:00
Please note that this function results in an E_WARNING when display_errors is off and an invalid multibyte string is passed to it (e.g. with 'utf-8' as the encoding parameter and broken utf-8 characters somewhere in the string).

This is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT if you have an EXCEPTION-THROWING ERROR HANDLER, since even though you can't reproduce it in a development mode where display_errors is on, you MUST wrap your function call in a try-catch, or your application will crash.

[ The reason PHP makes this distinction is because this is a core function and many production servers are misconfigured to have display_errors on (to prevent such things as path disclosure from error messages from accidentally cropping up). See: ]
Thomasvdbulk at gmail dot com 28-Dec-2010 10:05
i searched for a while for a script, that could see the difference between an html tag and just < and > placed in the text,
the reason is that i recieve text from a database,
wich is inserted by an html form, and contains text and html tags,
the text can contain < and >, so does the tags,
with htmlspecialchars you can validate your text to XHTML,
but you'll also change the tags, like <b> to &lt;b&gt;,
so i needed a script that could see the difference between those two...
but i couldn't find one so i made my own one,
i havent fully tested it, but the parts i tested worked perfect!
just for people that were searching for something like this,
it may looks big, could be done easier, but it works for me, so im happy.

function fixtags($text){
$text = htmlspecialchars($text);
$text = preg_replace("/=/", "=\"\"", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/&quot;/", "&quot;\"", $text);
$tags = "/&lt;(\/|)(\w*)(\ |)(\w*)([\\\=]*)(?|(\")\"&quot;\"|)(?|(.*)?&quot;(\")|)([\ ]?)(\/|)&gt;/i";
$replacement = "<$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10>";
$text = preg_replace($tags, $replacement, $text);
$text = preg_replace("/=\"\"/", "=", $text);

an example:

= "
this is smaller < than this<br />
this is greater > than this<br />
this is the same = as this<br />
<a href=\"\">This is a link</a><br />
<b>Bold</b> <i>italic</i> etc..."

will echo:
this is smaller &lt; than this<br />
this is greater &gt; than this<br />
this is the same = as this<br />
<a href="">This is a link</a><br />
<b>Bold</b> <i>italic</i> etc...

I hope its helpfull!!
Anonymous 01-Aug-2010 01:48
This may seem obvious, but if you want to output arbitrary (i.e. user-input) data as an attribute inside an HTML tag (such as the INPUT tags on a FORM), be aware of whether you are using ENT_QUOTES or ENT_COMPAT.  If you're using ENT_COMPAT, the attribute must be wrapped in double-quotes, as single-quotes will not be encoded and the user will be able to inject arbitrary HTML attributes (including javascript behavior) inside the tag, even though they will not be able to inject arbitrary HTML tags.

Also, if you want to allow users to input HTML attributes without them being double-encoded on display, there are two ways to accomplish this:

1 - Run their input through htmlentities_decode() followed by htmlspecialchars().

2 - Call htmlspecialchars() with $double_encode=false.

There is one functional difference between these two methods:  If you want to perform any search-replace on a user's input (such as word censoring in a message-board application), the second method will allow users to circumvent it by HTML-encoding their input, whereas the first will not.
nachitox2000 [at] hotmail [dot] com 01-Jul-2010 05:57
I had problems with spanish special characters. So i think in using htmlspecialchars but my strings also contain HTML.
So I used this :) Hope it help

function htmlspanishchars($str)
str_replace(array("&lt;", "&gt;"), array("<", ">"), htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8"));
nessthehero at gmail dot com 19-May-2010 11:53
Here's a simple function I wrote for parsing form data.

It checks if it's an array and it is recursive (it calls itself).

It also decodes things that have already been encoded so it doesn't change &amp; to &amp;amp;

[In this version,] I found it easier to use a regular expression to check and see if any previously encoded data exists, then decode it repeatedly until there is none left, then re-encode it.

function formspecialchars($var)
$pattern = '/&(#)?[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,};/';
        if (
is_array($var)) {    // If variable is an array
$out = array();      // Set output as an array
foreach ($var as $key => $v) {     
$out[$key] = formspecialchars($v);         // Run formspecialchars on every element of the array and return the result. Also maintains the keys.
        } else {
$out = $var;
            while (
preg_match($pattern,$out) > 0) {
$out = htmlspecialchars_decode($out,ENT_QUOTES);      
$out = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($out)), ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8',true);     // Trim the variable, strip all slashes, and encode it
Anonymous 18-Sep-2009 10:16
This may seem obvious, but it caused me some frustration. If you try and use htmlspecialchars with the $charset argument set and the string you run it on is not actually the same charset you specify, you get any empty string returned without any notice/warning/error.


= "A valid UTF-8 string";
$bad_utf8 = "An invalid UTF-8 string";

var_dump(htmlspecialchars($bad_utf8, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'));  // string(0) ""

var_dump(htmlspecialchars($ok_utf8, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'));  // string(20) "A valid UTF-8 string"


So make sure your charsets are consistent


= "An invalid UTF-8 string";

// make sure it's really UTF-8
$bad_utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($bad_utf8, 'UTF-8', mb_detect_encoding($bad_utf8));

var_dump(htmlspecialchars($bad_utf8, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'));  // string(23) "An invalid UTF-8 string"


I had this problem because a Mac user was submitting posts copy/pasted from a program and it contained weird chars in it.
Anonymous 16-Sep-2009 09:43
Just a few notes on how one can use htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() to filter user input on forms for later display and/or database storage...

1. Use htmlspecialchars() to filter text input values for html input tags.  i.e.,

echo '<input name=userdata type=text value="'.htmlspecialchars($data).'" />';

2. Use htmlentities() to filter the same data values for most other kinds of html tags, i.e.,

echo '<p>'.htmlentities($data).'</p>';

3. Use your database escape string function to filter the data for database updates & insertions, for instance, using postgresql,

pg_query($connection,"UPDATE datatable SET datavalue='".pg_escape_string($data)."'");

This strategy seems to work well and consistently, without restricting anything the user might like to type and display, while still providing a good deal of protection against a wide variety of html and database escape sequence injections, which might otherwise be introduced through deliberate and/or accidental input of such character sequences by users submitting their input data via html forms.
chuck at N0SPAM1command dot com 12-Aug-2009 07:06
I made an error in my last post.

The last 3 lines should have read


$text = get_page($url);
$new = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES); // here is the magic :)

echo '<pre>' .$new. '</pre>';


hm2k at 22-Jun-2009 10:02
 * A recursive version of htmlspecialchars() for arrays and strings.

function htmlspecialchars_deep($mixed, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES, $charset = 'UTF-8')
    if (
is_array($mixed)) {
$mixed as $key => $value) {
$mixed[$key] = htmlspecialchars_deep($value, $quote_style, $charset);
    } elseif (
is_string($mixed)) {
$mixed = htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode($mixed, $quote_style), $quote_style, $charset);
hello at haroonahmad dot co dot uk 23-Mar-2009 01:56
a common confusion among beginner is that what is the difference between htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() really, because the manual examples are converting angular brackets for both.

well, htmlentities() will ALSO look for other language characters in the string e.g German, French or Italian etc. So if you think your attacker can use some foreign language characters for a XSS attack in URL etc then use htmlentities() instead of htmlspecialchars().

I hope it helps,

Haroon Ahmad
Kenneth Kin Lum 08-Oct-2008 06:45
if your goal is just to protect your page from Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack, or just to show HTML tags on a web page (showing <body> on the page, for example), then using htmlspecialchars() is good enough and better than using htmlentities().  A minor point is htmlspecialchars() is faster than htmlentities().  A more important point is, when we use  htmlspecialchars($s) in our code, it is automatically compatible with UTF-8 string.  Otherwise, if we use htmlentities($s), and there happens to be foreign characters in the string $s in UTF-8 encoding, then htmlentities() is going to mess it up, as it modifies the byte 0x80 to 0xFF in the string to entities like &eacute;.  (unless you specifically provide a second argument and a third argument to htmlentities(), with the third argument being "UTF-8").

The reason htmlspecialchars($s) already works with UTF-8 string is that, it changes bytes that are in the range 0x00 to 0x7F to &lt; etc, while leaving bytes in the range 0x80 to 0xFF unchanged.  We may wonder whether htmlspecialchars() may accidentally change any byte in a 2 to 4 byte UTF-8 character to &lt; etc.  The answer is, it won't.  When a UTF-8 character is 2 to 4 bytes long, all the bytes in this character is in the 0x80 to 0xFF range. None can be in the 0x00 to 0x7F range.  When a UTF-8 character is 1 byte long, it is just the same as ASCII, which is 7 bit, from 0x00 to 0x7F.  As a result, when a UTF-8 character is 1 byte long, htmlspecialchars($s) will do its job, and when the UTF-8 character is 2 to 4 bytes long, htmlspecialchars($s) will just pass those bytes unchanged.  So htmlspecialchars($s) will do the same job no matter whether $s is in ASCII, ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1), or UTF-8.
brendel at krumedia dot de 15-May-2008 10:28
I know some people posted similar functions but may be you are looking for this version:

function jschars($str)
    $str = mb_ereg_replace("\\\\", "\\\\", $str);
    $str = mb_ereg_replace("\"", "\\\"", $str);
    $str = mb_ereg_replace("'", "\\'", $str);
    $str = mb_ereg_replace("\r\n", "\\n", $str);
    $str = mb_ereg_replace("\r", "\\n", $str);
    $str = mb_ereg_replace("\n", "\\n", $str);
    $str = mb_ereg_replace("\t", "\\t", $str);
    $str = mb_ereg_replace("<", "\\x3C", $str); // for inclusion in HTML
    $str = mb_ereg_replace(">", "\\x3E", $str);
    return $str;

if you use smarty your code may look like:

<a onclick="alert('{$text|jschars|htmlchars}');return false;">Test</a>

(Yes, we have the shortcur htmlchars instead of htmlspecialchars, so we are able to tell the encoding e.g. UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 to htmlspecialchars)
php dot net at orakio dot net 10-Apr-2008 11:26
I was recently exploring some code when I saw this being used to make data safe for "SQL".

This function should not be used to make data SQL safe (although to prevent phishing it is perfectly good).

Here is an example of how NOT to use this function:

= htmlspecialchars(trim("$_POST[username]"));

$uniqueuser = $realm_db->query("SELECT `login` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = '$username'");

(Only other check on $_POST['username'] is to make sure it isn't empty which it is after trim on a white space only name)

The problem here is that it is left to default which allows single quote marks which are used in the sql query. Turning on magic quotes might fix it but you should not rely on magic quotes, in fact you should never use it and fix the code instead. There are also problems with \ not being escaped. Even if magic quotes were used there would be the problem of allowing usernames longer than the limit and having some really weird usernames given they are to be used outside of html, this just provide a front end for registering to another system using mysql. Of course using it on the output wouldn;t cause that problem.

Another way to make something of a fix would be to use ENT_QUOTE or do:

= $realm_db->query('SELECT `login` FROM `accounts` WHERE `login` = "'.$username.'";');

Eitherway none of these solutions are good practice and are not entirely unflawed. This function should simply never be used in such a fashion.

I hope this will prevent newbies using this function incorrectly (as they apparently do).
ish1301 at gmail doooot com 20-Nov-2007 02:56
used this function for making a variable javascript compatible

function jsspecialchars( $string = '') {
$string = preg_replace("/\r*\n/","\\n",$string);
$string = preg_replace("/\//","\\\/",$string);
$string = preg_replace("/\"/","\\\"",$string);
$string = preg_replace("/'/"," ",$string);
hope this may help those embedding php in javascripts
solar-energy 16-Jun-2007 03:21
also see function "urlencode()", useful for passing text with ampersand and other special chars through url

(i.e. the text is encoded as if sent from form using GET method)


echo "<a href='foo.php?text=".urlencode("foo?&bar!")."'>link</a>";


<a href='foo.php?text=foo%3F%26bar%21'>link</a>

and if the link is followed, the $_GET["text"] in foo.php will contain "foo?&bar!"
terminatorul at gmail dot com 27-Apr-2007 10:04
To html-encode Unicode characters that may not be part of your document character set (given in the META tag of your page), and so can not be output directly into your document source, you need to use mb_encode_numericentity(). Pay attention to it's conversion map argument.
frank at codedor dot be 16-Jan-2007 01:25
If you seem to have a problem with rendering dynamic RSS files from a database - try using htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() on the text you are rendering.

Since XML and RSS is very strict about what is allowed inside nodes, you need to make sure everything is "A-OK" according to XML standards ...

Especially if the database you're pulling data from is fi. Latin-Swedish encoding, which seems to be the standard setting for MySQL databases.
richard at mf2fm dot com 03-Mar-2006 01:06
I had a script which detected swearing and wanted to make sure that words such as 'f &uuml; c k' didn't slip through the system.

After using htmlentities(), the following line converts most extended alphabet characters back to the standard alphabet so you can spot such problems..

$text=eregi_replace("&([a-z])[a-z0-9]{3,};", "\\\\1", $text);

This changes, for example, '&uuml;' into 'u' and '&szlig' into 's'.  Sadly it also converts '&pound;' and '&para;' into 'p' so it's not perfect but does solve a lot of the problems
mikiwoz at yahoo dot co dot uk 06-Oct-2005 02:40
I am not sure, maybe I'm missing something, but I have found something interesting:
I've been working on a project, where I had to use htmlspecialchars (for opbvious reasons). I olso needed to de-code the encoded string. What I have done was almost a copy and paste from
$trans=get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, ENT_QUOTES);
$string=strtr($encoded, $trans);
(it looked a bit different in my code, but the idea is clear)
I couldn't get the apostrophe sign de-coded, and I needed it for the <A> tags. After an hour or so of debuging, I decided do print_r($trans). What I got was:
[&#39;] => '
BUT the apostrophe was encoded to $#039; -> note the zero.
I don't suppose it's a bug, but it definetely IS a potential pitfall, watch out for this one.
Luiz Miguel Axcar (lmaxcar at yahoo dot com dot br) 01-Sep-2005 06:16

If you are getting trouble to SGDB write/read HTML data, try to use this:


//from html_entity_decode() manual page
function unhtmlentities ($string) {
$trans_tbl =get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES );
$trans_tbl =array_flip ($trans_tbl );
strtr ($string ,$trans_tbl );

//read from db
$content = stripslashes (htmlspecialchars ($field['content']));

//write to db
$content = unhtmlentities (addslashes (trim ($_POST['content'])));

//make sure result of function get_magic_quotes_gpc () == 0, you can get strange slashes in your content adding slashes twice

//better to do this using addslashes
$content = (! get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) ? addslashes ($content) : $content;

urbanheroes {at} gmail {dot} com 30-Apr-2005 11:32
In response to the note made by Alexander Nofftz on October 2004, &#39; is used instead of &apos; because IE unfortunately seems to have trouble with the latter.
took 23-Apr-2005 09:14
The Algo from donwilson at gmail dot com to reverse the action of htmlspecialchars(), edited for germany:

function unhtmlspecialchars( $string )
  $string = str_replace ( '&amp;', '&', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&#039;', '\'', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&quot;', '"', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&lt;', '<', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&gt;', '>', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&uuml;', '?', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&Uuml;', '?', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&auml;', '?', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&Auml;', '?', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&ouml;', '?', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '&Ouml;', '?', $string );   
  return $string;
11-Mar-2005 04:22
function htmlspecialchars_array($arr = array()) {
   $rs =  array();
   while(list($key,$val) = each($arr)) {
       if(is_array($val)) {
           $rs[$key] = htmlspecialchars_array($val);
       else {
           $rs[$key] = htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES);
   return $rs;
zolinak at zoli dot szathmari dot hu 14-Dec-2004 04:46
A sample function, if anybody want to turn html entities (and special characters) back to simple. (eg: "&egrave;", "<" etc)

function html2specialchars($str){
    $trans_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES));
    return strtr($str, $trans_table);
} @ nathan (flip it) 02-Sep-2004 11:51
heres a version of the recursive escape function that takes the array byref rather than byval so saves some resources in case of big arrays

function recurse_array_HTML_safe(&$arr) {
    foreach ($arr as $key => $val)
        if (is_array($val))
            $arr[$key] = htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES);
moc.xnoitadnuof@310symerej 21-Apr-2004 04:04
Here are some usefull functions.
They will apply || decode, htmlspecialchars || htmlentities recursivly to arrays() || to regular $variables. They also protect agains "double encoding".

function htmlspecialchars_or( $mixed, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES ){
is_array($mixed) ? array_map('htmlspecialchars_or',$mixed, array_fill(0,count($mixed),$quote_style)) : htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode($mixed, $quote_style ),$quote_style);

htmlspecialchars_decode( $mixed, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES ) {
array_map('htmlspecialchars_decode',$mixed, array_fill(0,count($mixed),$quote_style));
$trans_table = get_html_translation_table( HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style );
$trans_table["'"] != '&#039;' ) { # some versions of PHP match single quotes to &#39;
$trans_table["'"] = '&#039;';
    return (
strtr($mixed, array_flip($trans_table)));

htmlentities_or($mixed, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES){
is_array($mixed) ? array_map('htmlentities_or',$mixed, array_fill(0,count($mixed),$quote_style)) : htmlentities(htmlentities_decode($mixed, $quote_style ),$quote_style);

htmlentities_decode( $mixed, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES ) {
array_map('htmlentities_decode',$mixed, array_fill(0,count($mixed),$quote_style));
$trans_table = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, $quote_style );
$trans_table["'"] != '&#039;' ) { # some versions of PHP match single quotes to &#39;
$trans_table["'"] = '&#039;';
    return (
strtr($mixed, array_flip($trans_table)));

These functions are an addition to an earlier post. I would like to give the person some credit but I do not know who it was.

<?  ;llnu=u!eJq dHd?>
_____ at luukku dot com 14-Sep-2002 02:21
People, don't use ereg_replace for the most simple string replacing operations (replacing constant string with another).
Use str_replace.
joseph at nextique dot com 20-Feb-2002 01:21
Here is a handy function to htmlalize an array (or scalar) before you hand it off to xml.

function htmlspecialchars_array($arr = array()) {
    $rs =  array();
    while(list($key,$val) = each($arr)) {
        if(is_array($val)) {
            $rs[$key] = htmlspecialchars_array($val);
        else {
            $rs[$key] = htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES);
    return $rs;
14-Jul-2001 11:18
If your sending data from one form to another, the data in the textareas and text inputs may need to have htmlspecialchars("form data", ENT_QUOTES) applied, assuming you will ever have quotes or less-than signs or any of those special characters.  Using htmlspecialchars will make the text show up properly in the second form.  The changes are automatically undone whenever the form data is submitted. It does seem a little strange, but it works and my headache is now starting to go away.

ryan at ryano dot net 29-Jun-2001 03:06
Actually, if you're using >= 4.0.5, this should theoretically be quicker (less overhead anyway):

$text = str_replace(array("&gt;", "&lt;", "&quot;", "&amp;"), array(">", "<", "\"", "&"), $text);

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