

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

odbc_execPrepare and execute an SQL statement


odbc_exec ( resource $connection_id , string $query_string [, int $flags ] ) : resource

Sends an SQL statement to the database server.



ODBC 连接标识符,详见 odbc_connect()


The SQL statement.


This parameter is currently not used.


Returns an ODBC result identifier if the SQL command was executed successfully, or FALSE on error.


User Contributed Notes

test 07-Nov-2017 03:50
If eval() is the answer, you're almost certainly asking the wrong question.
petercdow at gmail dot com 14-Oct-2013 01:54
An SQL statement that contains quotes (i.e. ") instead of apostrophes (i.e. ') to delimit strings works fine in Access, however, in odbc_exec, it fails with

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 6.

For example:

$q = "INSERT INTO TableA (Fld1, Fld2, Fld3) VALUES('A', 'B', 'C');"

works fine in both Access and ODBC, but

$q = 'INSERT INTO TableA (Fld1, Fld2, Fld3) VALUES("A", "B", "C");'

fails with the above error.
mir eder 28-Aug-2007 03:39
If you are having problems with truncated text fields from ODBC queries (pe. at 4096 characters), try some of the following:

in php.ini:
- odbc.defaultlrl = 65536

in your php code, before your queries:
- ini_set ( 'odbc.defaultlrl' , '65536' );
delowing gmail dot com 27-Sep-2006 08:19
It is easy to inject evil code into SQL statements. This wraps parameters in quotes so they are not executable. In your own stored procedures you can convert the string to numeric as needed.

function sql_make_string($sin){
         return "'".str_replace("'","''",$sin)."'";

// this may delete all data from MYTABLE
$evil = "734'; DELETE FROM MYTABLE; print 'ha ha";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE mykey = '$evil'";
$rst = odbc_exec($connection,$sql);

// this probably will not delete the data.
$good = sql_make_string($evil);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE mykey =".$good
$rst = odbc_exec($connection,$sql);
30-Aug-2005 06:18
The following seems counterintuitive to me and so I am constantly getting burned by it.  Just thought I'd add a note for anyone else who might also get burned.

  if (!odbc_exec("select MyValue from MyTable where Key1='x' and Key2='y'"))

is not a good way to search for the existence of a record with Key1 = x and Key2 = y.  The odbc_exec always returns a result handle, even though there aren't any records.

Rather, you must use one of the fetch functions to find out that the record really doesn't exist.  This should work:

  if (!($Selhand = odbc_exec("select MyValue from MyTable where Key1='x' and Key2='y'"))
    || !odbc_result($Selhand, 1))
fuadMD at gmail dot com 24-May-2005 12:34
// - This is a complete working dynamic example of using:
//    odbc_connect, odbc_exec, getting col Names,
//    odbc_fetch_row and no of rows. hope it helps
// - your driver should point to your MS access file

$conn = odbc_connect('MSAccessDriver','','');


if (
$sql "select * from $month";
//this function will execute the sql satament
$result=odbc_exec($conn, $sql);

"<table  align=\"center\" border=\"1\" borderColor=\"\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
"<tr> ";
// -- print field name
$colName = odbc_num_fields($result);
for (
$j=1; $j<= $colName; $j++)
"<th  align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\" > <font color=\"#990000\"> ";
odbc_field_name ($result, $j );
"</font> </th>";
// end of field names
while(odbc_fetch_row($result)) // getting data
 if (
$c%2 == 0 )
"<tr bgcolor=\"#d0d0d0\" >\n";
"<tr bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">\n";
        if (
$i%$j == 0
$nrows+=1; // counting no of rows   

"</td> </tr>\n";
"</table >\n";
// --end of table 
if ($nrows==0) echo "<br/><center> Nothing for $month yet! Try back later</center>  <br/>";
else echo
"<br/><center> Total Records:  $nrows </center>  <br/>";
odbc_close ($conn);

else echo
"odbc not connected <br>";
james @ php-for-beginners co uk 18-Mar-2005 04:54
hi all, I managed to get this little snippet working, it's pretty useful if you have long forms to be inserted into a database.

if ( ! empty ( $_POST ) ){
 foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
  $columns .= addslashes($key) . ", ";
    $values .= "'" . addslashes($val) . "', ";
 $values = substr_replace($values, "", -2);
 $columns = substr_replace($columns, "", -2);
 $sql = "INSERT INTO table ($columns) VALUES ($values)";
 echo $sql;
 $results = odbc_exec($conn, $sql);
                 if ($results){
              echo "Query Executed";
                }else {
              echo "Query failed " .odbc_error();

Not the most secure in the world but, speeds up collecting data from large forms.
Sean Boulter 21-Apr-2004 05:28
If a single quote exists within the field specified by your WHERE statement, ODBC fails because of a parsing error.  Although it seems intuitive, using \" around the field does not work (\"$var\").  The only solution I found was to replace all single quotes in my field with two single quotes.  ODBC interprets the first single quote as an escape character and interprets the second single quote as a literal.  Thanks to for this tip.
rob at vendorpromotions dot com 17-Jun-2003 01:29
This opens select statements 'for update' by default in db2.  If you're using db2, you have to tack on 'for read only' at the end to select from SYSCAT.TABLES, for example, without firing an error like

Warning: SQL error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0151N The column "MAXFREESPACESEARCH" cannot be updated. SQLSTATE=42808 , SQL state 42808 in SQLExecDirect

For example :

$query = odbc_exec($conn, "select * from syscat.tables for read only");

will work (only for db2).  I don't know about other databases.

The select statement will work in the 'db2' command line, but not in php, because of this side effect.
rupix at rediffmail dot com 05-Apr-2003 07:05
I tried the following line of code

=odbc_connect("pbk", "root","") or die(odbc_errormsg());
$q="insert into pbk values(\"$name\", \"$phone\")";
odbc_exec($odbc, $q) or die("<p>".odbc_errormsg());

it does not work. However if I use single quotes instead of \" the thing runs smoothly

thus the following would work

=odbc_connect("pbk", "yourworstnightmare","abracadabra") or die(odbc_errormsg());
$q="insert into pbk values('$name', '$phone')";
odbc_exec($odbc, $q) or die("<p>".odbc_errormsg());

Also having a user dsn is no good on win2k. Always have a System DSN. I don't know yet what are the implications of the same.
das_yrch at hotmail dot com 07-Mar-2003 03:17
I tried this way to see the results of a query and it works!!

$Conn = odbc_connect
("bbdd_usuaris","","",SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC );

$result=odbc_exec($Conn,"select nom from usuaris;");

        echo "Result is ".odbc_result($result,$i);
miguel dot erill at doymer dot com 23-Jul-2002 03:33
In a previous contribution it was told that if you're running NT/IIS with PHP 3.0.11 you can use MS Access dbs "stored procedures".

That was right, but if those stores procedures have parameters you have to supply them in the command line like this:

$conn_id = odbc_connect( "odbc_test_db", "","", SQL_CUR_USE_DRIVER );
$qry_id = odbc_do( $conn_id, "{CALL MyQuery(".$param.")}" );
martin at NOSPAMkouba dot at 05-Feb-2002 08:37
"[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few
parameters. Expected 1."

this not so clear to understand error comes when using access-odbc and a field name can't be found. check for correct spelling of fields.
lee200082 at hotmail dot com 21-Jan-2002 05:07
As an addition to the note about square brackets earlier:

Enclosing sql field names in '[' and ']' also allows you to use MS Access reserved words like 'date' and 'field' and 'time' in your SQL query... it seems that the square brackets simply tell Access to ignore any other meaning whatever is inside them has and take them simply as field names.
sk2xml at gmx dot net 21-Nov-2001 06:15
Problem: Fieldnames in SQL-Statement have blanks and [] don't work!

Solution: Try "" instead


SELECT table2.first, table1.[last name] FROM tabel1, table2 -> don't work

SELECT table2.first, table1.\"last name\" FROM tabel1, table2 -> Try this

PS: Don't forget the espace characters !!!
akchu at at ualberta dot ca 07-Jan-2001 08:41
ODBC/MS Access Date Fields:

Matching dates in SELECT statements for MS Access requires the following format:
#Y-m-d H:i:s#

for example:

SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE Birthdate = #2001-01-07 00:00:00#


SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE Birthdate BETWEEN #2000-01-07 00:00:00# AND #2001-01-07 00:00:00#

This took me forever to figure out.
vpil at retico dot com 06-Nov-2000 06:24
Additional links to ODBC_exec:
How to actually write the SQL commands:
Demystifying SQL
Introduction to Structured Query Language
Covers read, add, modify & delete of data.
phobo at at at paradise dot net dot nz 02-Nov-2000 06:26
If Openlink -> MS Access Database fails and gives "Driver Not Capable" error or "No tuples available" warning, use the SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC cursor when using odbc_connect()...

andreas dot brunner at rubner dot com 07-Jul-2000 04:54
I wanted to access an MSAccess database via ODBC. The connection functioned without problems, but when I placed a SQL statement into my odbc_exec() i always got an error:
Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver does not support that function, SQL state IM001 in SQLSetStmtOption in \\Server\directory/test.php3 on line 19.

Resolved my problem by myself: i simply had to install a new odbc-driver from the microsoft homepage.
gross at arkana dot de 28-Oct-1999 06:03
If you're running NT/IIS with PHP 3.0.11 and want to use MS Access dbs with "stored procedures" you can send an ODBC SQL query like:
= odbc_connect( "odbc_test_db", "", "", SQL_CUR_USE_DRIVER );
$qry_id = odbc_do( $conn_id, "{CALL MyQuery}" );
This way you don't need to integrate query strings like

SELECT * FROM TblObject WHERE (((TblObject.something) Like "blahblahblah"));

in the php file. You directly call the query "MyQuery" that was generated by MS Access.
rmkim at uwaterloo dot ca 25-Aug-1999 11:13
for Win32(NT) and MSAcess 2000, whenever you retrieve a date column/field, php will automatically convert it to 'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss' format regardless of the style of date you've denoted in Access.
This seems to pose a problem when you exec SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries, but strangley INSERT works fine. I've tried parsing the date into the desired format, but php still yells criteria mismatch.

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