
User Contributed Notes

Anonymous 04-Aug-2017 09:52
This is list is missing a link for:
try ... catch ... finally

You will find this critical language construct hidden away in the "Exceptions" chapter.

And, even though being very verbose and admittedly having useful code examples, that Exceptions chapter actually never formally defines the syntax of the catch block. Per example, if we don't care about accessing the Exception object, one might attempt:

   try { ... } catch { ... } ...

or even:

   try { ... } catch() { ... } ...

Apparently the only acceptable syntax is:

   try { ... }
    catch( \Exception | OptionalMyExceptions-1 | ... $exception_instance ) { ... }
    /* optional additional catch blocks */
    catch( ... ) { ... }
    /* optional finally block */
    finally { ... }

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