


相关函数,例如:dirname()is_dir()mkdir()rmdir(), 请查看文件系统章节。

Table of Contents

  • chdir — 改变目录
  • chroot — 改变根目录
  • closedir — 关闭目录句柄
  • dir — 返回一个 Directory 类实例
  • getcwd — 取得当前工作目录
  • opendir — 打开目录句柄
  • readdir — 从目录句柄中读取条目
  • rewinddir — 倒回目录句柄
  • scandir — 列出指定路径中的文件和目录

User Contributed Notes

Jean-Paul Wattiaux 31-Aug-2007 08:08
Mine works as long as the samba volume is actually mounted. Having it listed in the "My Computer" window doesn't warrant that.
adrian 20-Aug-2007 02:33
Samba mounts under a Windows environment are not accessible using the mounted drive letter. For instance, if you have drive X: in Windows mounted to //example.local/shared_dir (where example.local is a *nix box running Samba), the following constructs

$dir = "X:\\data\\";
$handle = opendir( $dir );
$d = dir( $dir );

will return a warning message "failed to open dir: No error"

On the other hand, using the underlying mapping info works just fine. For example:

$dir = "//example.local/shared_dir/data";
$handle = opendir( $dir );
$d = dir( $dir );

Both cases do what they're expected to.
phdwight at yahoo dot com 27-Mar-2007 07:45
I have posted this same observation in scandir, and found out that it is not limited to scandir alone but to ALL directory functions.

Directory functions DOES NOT currently supports Japanese characters.
dkflbk at nm dot ru 14-Sep-2006 04:29
I wrote a simple backup script which puts all files in his folder (and all of the sub-folders) in one TAR archive...
(It's classic TAR format not USTAR, so filename and path to it can't be longer then 99 chars)
 *   Title:  Classic-TAR based backup script v0.0.1-dev

Class Tar_by_Vladson {
Tar_by_Vladson($tar_file='backup.tar') {
$this->tar_file = $tar_file;
$this->fp = fopen($this->tar_file, "wb");
$tree = $this->build_tree();
fputs($this->fp, pack("a512", ""));
$handle = opendir($dir);
false !== ($readdir = readdir($handle))){
$readdir != '.' && $readdir != '..'){
$path = $dir.'/'.$readdir;
                if (
is_file($path)) {
$output[] = substr($path, 2, strlen($path));
                } elseif (
is_dir($path)) {
$output[] = substr($path, 2, strlen($path)).'/';
$output = array_merge($output, $this->build_tree($path));
process_tree($tree) {
$tree as $pathfile ) {
            if (
substr($pathfile, -1, 1) == '/') {
fputs($this->fp, $this->build_header($pathfile));
            } elseif (
$pathfile != $this->tar_file) {
$filesize = filesize($pathfile);
$block_len = 512*ceil($filesize/512)-$filesize;
fputs($this->fp, $this->build_header($pathfile));
fputs($this->fp, file_get_contents($pathfile));
fputs($this->fp, pack("a".$block_len, ""));
build_header($pathfile) {
        if (
strlen($pathfile) > 99 ) die('Error');
$info = stat($pathfile);
        if (
is_dir($pathfile) ) $info[7] = 0;
$header = pack("a100a8a8a8a12A12a8a1a100a255",
sprintf("%6s ", decoct($info[2])),
sprintf("%6s ", decoct($info[4])),
sprintf("%6s ", decoct($info[5])),
sprintf("%11s ",decoct($info[7])),
sprintf("%11s", decoct($info[9])),
sprintf("%8s", " "),
is_dir($pathfile) ? "5" : "0"),
$checksum = 0;
        for (
$i=0; $i<512; $i++) {
$checksum += ord(substr($header,$i,1));
$checksum_data = pack(
"a8", sprintf("%6s ", decoct($checksum))
        for (
$i=0, $j=148; $i<7; $i++, $j++)
$header[$j] = $checksum_data[$i];

header('Content-type: text/plain');
$start_time = array_sum(explode(chr(32), microtime()));
$tar = & new Tar_by_Vladson();
$finish_time = array_sum(explode(chr(32), microtime()));
printf("The time taken: %f seconds", ($finish_time - $start_time));
engin bzzzt biz 01-Feb-2006 12:07
To join directory and file names in a cross-platform manner you can use the following function.

function join_path()
        $num_args = func_num_args();
        $args = func_get_args();
        $path = $args[0];
        if( $num_args > 1 )
            for ($i = 1; $i < $num_args; $i++)
                $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$args[$i];
        return $path;

It should do the following:
$src = join_path( '/foo', 'bar', 'john.jpg' );
echo $src; // On *nix -> /foo/bar/john.jpg

$src = join_path( 'C:\www', '', 'foo.jpg' );
echo $src; // On win32 -> C:\\www\\\\foo.jpg
msh at onliners dot dk 30-Jan-2006 03:49
I would like to present these two simple functions for generating a complete directory listing - as I feel the other examples are to restrictive in terms of usage.

function dirTree($dir) {
    $d = dir($dir);
    while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
        if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && is_dir($dir.$entry))
            $arDir[$entry] = dirTree($dir.$entry.'/');
    return $arDir;

function printTree($array, $level=0) {
    foreach($array as $key => $value) {
        echo "<div class='dir' style='width: ".($level*20)."px;'>&nbsp;</div>".$key."<br/>\n";
            printTree($value, $level+1);

Usage is as simple as this:
$dir = "<any directory you like>";
$arDirTree = dirTree($dir);

It is easy to add files to the tree also - so enjoy.
Nicolas Merlet - admin(at) 22-Jan-2006 07:34
Here is a very similar function to *scandir*, if you are still using PHP4...

This recursive function will return an indexed array containing all directories or files or both (depending on parameters). You can specify the depth you want, as explained below.


// $path : path to browse
// $maxdepth : how deep to browse (-1=unlimited)
// $mode : "FULL"|"DIRS"|"FILES"
// $d : must not be defined
function searchdir ( $path , $maxdepth = -1 , $mode = "FULL" , $d = 0 )
   if (
substr ( $path , strlen ( $path ) - 1 ) != '/' ) { $path .= '/' ; }     
$dirlist = array () ;
   if (
$mode != "FILES" ) { $dirlist[] = $path ; }
   if (
$handle = opendir ( $path ) )
       while (
false !== ( $file = readdir ( $handle ) ) )
           if (
$file != '.' && $file != '..' )
$file = $path . $file ;
               if ( !
is_dir ( $file ) ) { if ( $mode != "DIRS" ) { $dirlist[] = $file ; } }
               elseif (
$d >=0 && ($d < $maxdepth || $maxdepth < 0) )
$result = searchdir ( $file . '/' , $maxdepth , $mode , $d + 1 ) ;
$dirlist = array_merge ( $dirlist , $result ) ;
closedir ( $handle ) ;
   if (
$d == 0 ) { natcasesort ( $dirlist ) ; }
   return (
$dirlist ) ;


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