If you call var_export() on an instance of stdClass, it attempts to export it using ::__set_state(), which, for some reason, is not implemented in stdClass.
However, casting an associative array to an object usually produces the same effect (at least, it does in my case). So I wrote an improved_var_export() function to convert instances of stdClass to (object) array () calls. If you choose to export objects of any other class, I'd advise you to implement ::__set_state().
function improved_var_export ($variable, $return = false) {
if ($variable instanceof stdClass) {
$result = '(object) '.improved_var_export(get_object_vars($variable), true);
} else if (is_array($variable)) {
$array = array ();
foreach ($variable as $key => $value) {
$array[] = var_export($key, true).' => '.improved_var_export($value, true);
$result = 'array ('.implode(', ', $array).')';
} else {
$result = var_export($variable, true);
if (!$return) {
print $result;
return null;
} else {
return $result;
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->test = 'abc';
$obj->other = 6.2;
$obj->arr = array (1, 2, 3);
improved_var_export((object) array (
'prop1' => true,
'prop2' => $obj,
'assocArray' => array (
'apple' => 'good',
'orange' => 'great'
Note: This function spits out a single line of code, which is useful to save in a cache file to include/eval. It isn't formatted for readability. If you want to print a readable version for debugging purposes, then I would suggest print_r() or var_dump().